But most importantly?

How the hell had Dina’s assistant Ximena opened the safe and gotten her hands on this folder?

Chapter Eleven

Dina steepled her fingers and fought to hold back the scream of frustration that threatened to erupt. She had expected the police to return to question Steve and Beto, but she hadn’t counted on this at all.

“You’re going to need more than this,” Miguel, one of the family’s lawyers, shook the paperwork he had been given by the investigators. “We are not going to let you dig through my client’s financial records.”

“We don’t need her records. We need her daughter’s records,” the investigator clarified.

“Not happening,” Miguel refused. “She’s fourteen!”

“We know someone has been sending money to Diego.”

“Probably his mother,” Miguel argued. “She’s been his biggest cheerleader and thinks he’s a saint who can do no wrong. The cartel might also be a good place to start.”

“Do you think we’d be here if we hadn’t done that first?”

“I don’t know what you’re thinking. You’re clearly not using your brains if you think you can march in here and ask my client to open up her wallet!”

“Then let us talk to your daughter,” the lead investigator requested, turning his attention to Dina. “Let us figure out what she knows so we can find Diego and get him back into custody.”

Dina shook her head. “No, she’s already been through too much.”


“No,” Dina cut in with a slash of her hand. “Listen, I appreciate your position. I understand why you want to speak with her. I want you to find Diego and put him back in prison.”

“But you won’t help us!” the investigator raised his voice in exasperation.

“Not if it risks my daughter’s well-being,” Dina stated firmly.

“If you think having her father running loose isn’t a risk to her well-being, you’re crazy.” The investigator gestured to his partner who had said nothing during the entire meeting. “Let’s go.”

Dina held her breath as the investigators left. Miguel glanced at her with concern. “They’ll be back.”

“I know they will.” Dina’s mind reeled as she wondered how best to protect Camila.

“I’m going to speak with them and make it clear they are not to come back here. I want this handled through my office.” Miguel patted her arm and hurried from the room, intent on catching up with the investigators.

Dina took a moment to compose herself. She covered her face with her hands and tried to control her breaths. From the wildly erotic almost-tryst she’d shared with Steve to Camila discovering them to learning that Steve was more connected to Diego than she had imagined, she was on the verge of absolutely fucking losing it.

“Why are you hiding in here?” Soila asked unkindly.

Dina gritted her teeth but kept her expression calm. “I’m not hiding.”

“There’s nothing to be gained from sitting in here crying alone.” Her mother walked into Rafa’s office and stopped behind a leather barrel chair. She placed her hands on the top edge of the chair and leveled a disappointed stare. “You always knew this could happen. You shouldn’t be so surprised.”

“Mama,” Dina said tiredly. “Can we please not do this?”

“What are we doing?”

“You know what you’re doing.”

“Is it wrong of me to encourage my daughter?”

“Encourage?” Dina snapped. “This is encouragement?”