Finally unencumbered, he ran after Dina, barely keeping her in view across the throngs of tourists and vendors. He shouldn't have worried about losing her. The explosive verbal argument that broke out between mother and daughter could probably be heard from space.

“You are insane!” Camila screamed at her mother. “It’s not a big deal! We just wanted to get some lunch!” She gestured to the young man standing behind her. “Like you never skipped school?”

“This isn’t about me. It’s about you! We are in danger, and you—.”

“We are not in danger! He doesn’t want to hurt me.”

Steve arrived on the scene and held back, waiting to see how Dina would handle that ugly revelation. She seemed to shrug it off and reached for her daughter’s arm, but Camila pulled back. “Don’t!”

“Camila! We are going home!”

“I’m not going back to that prison! I’m going to Wela Mirta’s house!”

Judging by the broken look on Dina’s face, it would have hurt less if Camila had slapped her. She recovered quickly and snatched her daughter’s arm. “You are coming home with me where you belong.”

“LET GO OF ME!” Camila shrieked like a banshee, drawing every eye in the square.

“I am your mother! I am trying to keep you safe!”


Deciding he’d had just about enough of listening to Camila disrespect her mother, he strode toward the mouthy kid andsnatched her right up off the ground. He tossed her over his shoulder, shocking both Camila and her mother.

“Let go of me! You psycho asshole!” Camila beat on his back and kicked her legs. “I’ll have you arrested for kidnapping.”

“You’re welcome to try, kid.” He noticed the maybe-boyfriend stepping forward as if to defend Camila. He pointed a warning finger in his direction. “Stay out of this. Go home and apologize to your parents for skipping school and getting your girlfriend into trouble.”

“I’m not in school,” the kid mumbled nervously. “I graduated last year.”

“What!” Dina lost it. “She’s fourteen! She’s still in junior high!”

From the terrified look on the young man’s face, he didn’t know that little bit of information. He smartly turned and ran in the opposite direction, probably about to piss his pants in panic.

Up on his shoulder like a sack of potatoes, Camila continued caterwauling. He ignored her hysterics and reached for Dina, taking her by the elbow and angling her through the crowd at his side. He used his height and build to move through the crush of nosy bodies.

When they reached the SUV, Lola looked on with amusement. Antonio sat behind the wheel, ready to jet, and Jose stood by the open door, ready to jump in and keep Camila secured. Steve unceremoniously dumped the unruly teenager in a seat, ignored her kicking and screaming to buckle her belt and slammed the door closed in her face.

Dina hesitated before climbing into the SUV. “I appreciate your help—but don’t ever grab my daughter like that again.”

No good deed goes unpunished.

Chapter Five

Hours later, Dina walked the length of the library while gently patting Jasper’s back. He had finally stopped fussing and fallen asleep. Normally, she would have taken him straight to his crib, but right now, she was enjoying the sweet comfort of snuggling a baby.

Still dealing with terrible cramps and now an even worse headache, Dina tried not to cry. There was no escaping the ugly truth. Every mistake she had made in her life had led her to this point.

Falling under Diego’s spell. Choosing him over her family. Marrying him. Getting pregnant by him. Going back to him again and again and again even when she promised herself she was done enduring his abuse.

“You okay?”

Startled by Steve’s voice, she turned toward the grand entry of the library. Steve stood between the open wooden doors, theornate and heavily polished wood gleaming on either side of him. “You’re still here?”

The question came out much more meanly than she had intended, and Steve visibly winced. Looking suddenly embarrassed, he gave a little smile and said, “I was just heading out.”

“No, Steve, I didn’t mean—.” The discussion woke Jasper, and he kicked his feet and howled. “Shh. It’s okay. Tia Dina is right here.” She tenderly kissed his soft hair. “It’s okay.”

But he didn’t quiet down. He wailed even louder, so loud that her already aching head felt like it was about to split.