Steve squirmed uncomfortably. “We met at a bar. That’s it.”
Lola looked like she’d just uncovered the juiciest secret in the world. “I knew it! I knew there was no way she was actually living like a nun since Camila was born!”
“Hey, Lola, cut it out.” Steve liked her, but he wasn’t comfortable with listening to Dina’s sister poke fun at her. “Your sister is an adult, and she’s had a hard life. If she found some happiness in a bar with a grumpy shithead like me, let her have that.”
Lola looked instantly chastised. “I didn’t mean it like that. I was just being silly. I wouldneverhold any bit of happiness against her. God knows she deserves some!”
“If Dina wanted y’all to know she and I were acquainted before all of this, she would have said something.” Steve tried not to show how much her refusal to acknowledge that hurt. “Let it go, please.”
“I won’t bring it up. I promise.” Lola might be a snarky gossip, but it was obvious she loved Dina and would do anything to protect her. “She’s my big sister. I only want her to be happy.”
“That’s all I want for her, too.”
“Is it?” she asked carefully. “What about keeping her safe?”
“I’m still here, aren’t I?”
Lola’s expression softened. “I might have been eavesdropping on your phone call.”
Steve glowered at her. “Might have?”
“Okay. I totally was,” she confessed. Worried, she asked, “Are you in a lot of trouble?”
“Here or at home?”
“You know we won’t let you go to jail, right? After what you did to save Beto last night, my mother will move heaven and earth to make sure you get back to Texas safely and without a single charge.”
“I appreciate that.”
“I wish we could help with the work part of it.”
“I’m a big boy. I can handle whatever comes my way.” Steve stretched out his legs, easing the stiffness out of them. “I chose to stay. I could have gone back to Dallas after questioning your niece.”
“But you didn’t.”
“I didn’t.”
“Because of Dina.”
“Because of Dina,” he echoed quietly.
And I’d make that choice a thousand times over.
Chapter Nine
Where are they?
Dina checked her watch again, noticing with chagrin that only three minutes had passed since the last time she had looked.
What could they possibly be doing out in the fields together this long?
Sordid images flashed in her mind. She hastily slapped them aside. Lola barely tolerated any man in a romantic sense. Steve was flirtatious and charming, but he wasn’t Lola’s type.
At least, I don’t think he is.