“After what?” Rafael locked eyes with her. He seemed almost desperate to know what she was going to say.

“It doesn’t matter.” She stood, suddenly unable to stomach another moment with him. The rejection and humiliation from that torrid night felt uncomfortably fresh and real.Is this how it’s going to be then?


“I have a headache.” It wasn’t a full-blown lie. Her head was pounding now, albeit for a different reason.

“Sky, please, I shouldn’t—.”

“Since you’re so worried about being practical and responsible, you should know that Jasper needs a hat and sunscreen if you’re going to sit in the sun like this. Babies overheat and sunburn much more quickly than we do.”

The flush of embarrassment on his handsome face soothed her raw nerves.Good.

But as she returned to the house, that smug satisfaction at knocking him down a peg faded quickly. It was replaced by cold, throbbing dread.

Marriage to Rafael wasn’t going to be easy. He clearly saw her as someone he couldn’t fully trust, just Maddie’s flighty, irresponsible sister who ran from her problems.

I’ll never be good enough for him.

And it killed her.

Chapter Eight


What is wrong with me? Why did I say that?

Rafa watched Sky until she disappeared behind a bougainvillea. He managed not to succumb to the urge to let his gaze drift to the enticing swing of her hips. She was just so damned beautiful and tempting.

This isn’t the time for lecherous thoughts!

No, it was the time for chastising ones.

He silently berated himself for the fight he had picked with her. That conversation could have gone so much better had he been more careful with his words. Accusing her of being irresponsible when she had been handpicked by Jaime and Maddie to raise Jasper was beyond the pale. They knew her better than he did.

He glanced down at Jasper’s head and saw the faint flush of heat creeping along his ears. Ashamed that he hadn’t even considered the sun, he quickly placed his hand over his nephew’shead and cradled him close as he stood. Jaime and Maddie had been right to choose Sky over everyone else. She was a better caregiver and had the best and most intimate relationship with Jasper.

And I sat there and scolded her for being irresponsible when I didn’t even think to bring a hat for Jasper.

Rafael carried Jasper back to the house and ran into Lola, who seemed less than happy to see him. “What?” he asked with an exaggerated sigh.

“Do you enjoy upsetting Sky? Is this some weird, sick game?”

“No, it’s nothing like that.”

“Then why?” She narrowed her eyes at him with suspicion. “Is Dina right? Are you…? Is this the adult version of playground flirtation? Instead of yanking on her braids, you verbally cut her down?”

“It’s not anything like that,” he insisted defensively. “I’m not wrong to point out that she has a history of running away.”

“From you,” Lola corrected. “She has a history of running awayfrom you.”

Taken aback, he asked, “What does that mean?”

Lola rolled her eyes and made a disgusted sound. “I’m not stupid, Rafael. I don’t know what happened after Jaime and Maddie’s wedding, but clearly, something did. Sky disappeared, and you entered your mean jerk era. It doesn’t take a genius to do that math.” She glared at him. “What did you do to her?”

“Nothing. Not what you’re thinking,” he hastily interjected, even though he had no idea what his little sister was thinking.

Lola’s eyes widened. “I knew it!” She stepped closer. “You slept with her!”