She started to tell him it was okay, but for some reason, when she opened her mouth, all that came out was a broken sob. Mortified, she covered her face and tried to get her emotions under control.

“Hey, it’s okay.” The bed dipped as Rafael sat next to her. “Sky,” he said tenderly. “I’m not going to take Jasper away from you.”

“Maybe you should,” she wailed, feeling her heart break all over again. “You’re right. I’m unfit to be a mother. I have been playing house. I don’t know the first thing about living a stable, normal life.”

“Stop,” he commanded and slipped his arms around her. “You are not any of those things. You’re a wonderful, vibrant, and adventurous woman. You have so much love for Jasper. He needs you, and I won’t let anyone take him from you.”

“Please,” she sobbed, terrified he would go back on his word. “He’s all I have left.”

“Shh,” he urged and embraced her. “You’re not alone.”

She grasped his shirt, holding tight as she wept. She wanted to believe everything he said, but she had endured so many broken promises in her life. Her father. Her mother. Her string of terrible boyfriends. What was stopping Rafael from being just another entry on that long list?

As much as it pained her to admit, she said, “If Beverly sues me for custody, she’ll win for all the reasons you gave earlier.” Rafael started to argue, but she shook her head, silencing him.“No, it’s true. And,” she added with a shuddering sob, “if you sue her, you’ll lose.”

“Why?” he asked, clearly upset at her assertion.

“Jasper is a US citizen. You’re a Mexican citizen. Your whole life is here. What judge is going to allow a non-citizen to take custody of an American baby? Imagine the optics! Imagine the ugly things that would be written in papers and online!”

“I don’t care what people say about me online or to my face! I know who I am, and my family knows who I am. That’s all that matters.”

“No, Rafael.” Sky touched his arm. “We have to be smart. We have to do whatever it takes to keep Jasper away from her. I don’t know if Jaime ever told you about the things that Maddie went through after our dad divorced her mom, but it wasbad. I don’t trust Jasper with her.”

“He mentioned a few things,” Rafael said, his face hardening. “After the way she behaved today, I don’t think she’s fit to raise a feral cat.”

Sky concurred. Troubled by the very real chance they might lose Jasper in a custody battle, she asked, “Rafael, what are we going to do?”

“I’m not—.” Rafael abruptly stopped, and he looked suddenly pensive. He stepped away from her and walked straight to the wall of old photographs.

This was the same room she had stayed in for Maddie’s wedding. Soila called it the Lovers Suite. It had an old-world romantic charm about it with its white and rose-pink bed linens and drapes. Every piece of furniture in the room had a story that tied back to one of the many couples who had lived in this grand old manor.

The delicately carved hope chest at the foot of the bed had belonged to Soila’s great-great aunt, who had been a mail-order bride from Sweden, of all places. The gauzy white canopy onthe bed had been repurposed from Rafael’s great-grandmother's and great-aunt’s wedding day petticoats. The room was decorated with all sorts of lovely things that had been wedding gifts passed down through the family.

One wall was arranged gallery-style with paintings, daguerreotypes, and vintage and modern wedding day portraits. Dozens of couples, each with a love story to tell.

And now Rafael stood before them, staring as if his whole life depended on finding a secret answer within the frames.


He spun toward her, and she was taken aback by the emotion etched into his face. “Marry me, Sky.”

“What?” She reared back in shock.

“Marry me.” He ate up the distance between them with powerful strides. Gently, he knelt before her and took her trembling hands in his. “Marry me, and we’ll be the family Jasper needs. No judge will take him from a stable two-parent family, especially when the mother was chosen by his parents to be his guardian, and my family is rich.”

As lovely as it would have been to fantasize that Rafael’s proposal was an epic, passionately romantic moment, the truth was much more mundane. This was an arrangement for Jasper’s well-being. It was a convenient and tidy solution to their problem.

Swallowing anxiously, she asked, “How would this work?”

“We’ll get married here as soon as possible before we return to San Antonio. Our lawyers can handle all the legal wrangling behind the scenes to ensure we do it all correctly. I assume there will be adoption proceedings of some kind.”

“There will,” she confirmed, “Miguel explained all the steps, but honestly, I was so numb it’s all a blur.”

“That’s understandable.” He brought a hand to her face and tenderly stroked her cheek. “I’ll take care of you and Jasper.”

Deep within her, the little girl who had been abandoned and cast aside leaped for joy at the very idea of being under Rafael’s care and protection. She craved that sort of stability and safety. She yearned for security and certainty.

But what about love?