“You’re going to have to hose him off before his bath,” Rafael remarked and plucked a bit of smashed peas from Jasper’s hair. “He’s going to make soup if he’s got all this food on him.”

Considering how squeamish he looked about picking food out of Jasper’s hair, she decided not to tell Rafael about the other surprises that sometimes happened during bath time. Instead, she asked, “How is your mom? Jaime mentioned she had fallen off her horse the other day.”

Rafael’s expression darkened. “She’s lucky she didn’t break a hip. She’s too old to be galloping across fields on that horse.”

“She’s sixty-one, Rafa. That’s hardly ancient! Besides, the more active she stays, the longer she’ll live and be more independent. I saw it all the time when I was traveling. Heck, I once had a lady celebrating her 76thbirthday on the Fimmvörduháls hike I was leading. Talk about life goals!”


“Fimmvörduháls,” she repeated slowly. “It’s a two-day 25-kilometer hike in Iceland. Waterfalls. Mountains. Volcaniccraters. Glaciers. Valleys. I can’t even begin to describe how incredible the views are, Rafa. It’s, like, otherworldly.”

“Sounds dangerous,” he remarked.

“It can be,” she allowed, “but if you take your time and are prepared, it’s basically just a long walk through some of the most beautiful scenery on earth.”

“You almost make me want to give it a try.” Rafael smiled at her in a way that made her insides feel all wobbly. “I envy your wanderlust. I wish I could drop everything, all my responsibilities, and go.”

Sky tried not to take his words as an insult. She knew he didn’t mean itthatway. He wasn’t calling her irresponsible and reckless and flighty. Yet she couldn’t help but wonder if maybe, deep down, he thought that.

“I didn’t mean—.”

“I know,” she interjected with a forced smile. “It’s fine—and you should take a vacation. Jaime says you haven’t had a day off in years.” She hesitated. “He worries about you, Rafa.”

Rafael avoided her concerned gaze and sipped his beer. “I know my limits.”

“Do you?” she wondered.

Rafael frowned. “You sound like my mother.”

She winced. “Sorry.”

“No, I didn’t mean that in a bad way.”

“You sure? Because you frowned when you said it.”

“I frowned because I feel guilty about making people worry.”

“Oh. Well,” she said with a little sigh, “I can relate to that.”

Rafael gave Jasper a bite of the rice she had served with their dinner. He had been trying to reach Rafael’s plate, but his short arms held him back. After the spoon was already in Jasper’s mouth, he froze and asked, “Is this okay?”

“Yes.” She smiled at his paranoia. “He usually throws the rice on the floor, so I didn’t give him any tonight. Which, of course,means he suddenly wants it.” She dramatically narrowed her eyes at their nephew. “You trying to make me look like your mean old aunt who won’t let you have tasty things?”

Rafael whispered something in Spanish to Jasper in a conspiratorial tone, and Jasper laughed as if it were the funniest thing he had ever heard. As Rafael grinned at his nephew, he asked, “Do you think he understands Spanish as well as English?”

“Probably? Maddie and Jaime are raising him bilingual, but they’re focusing mostly on English. Maddie read a book about introducing two languages to children and how they sometimes have language delays. But there was something about introducing one language as the main one and then adding in the second as they become more proficient in the first. I think.” She made a face. “I haven’t read the book yet,” she confessed. “I should probably do that while they’re gone.”

“You afraid she’s going to quiz you?” Rafael teased.

“Knowing Maddie? Yeah. If I fail her pop quiz, she’ll make me write a book report.”

“Do you hear that? Tia Sky says your mommy is bossy!” Rafael made Jasper smile, and the rest of their dinner passed in smiles and laughter.

After tidying up the kitchen, she carried Jasper upstairs for his bath and bedtime routine. Rafael followed, but this time, he wasn’t hovering. He wanted to help, and she welcomed an extra set of hands.

While he undressed Jasper, she filled the tub with warm water and bath toys. She took Jasper from Rafael and placed him on his yellow duck bathmat. Even though he had been sitting up unassisted for months, she kept one hand on his back.

As she started his bath, she realized her routine had been interrupted by having Rafael in the bathroom with her. “Rafa? Can you grab a washcloth and towel?”