She laughed, and then, more serious, she said, “We don’t have to talk about a baby yet. I know it’s a big step, and you’re just getting better after the shooting and—.”

He silenced her endless litany of reasons why they shouldn’t have a baby with a passionate kiss. She whimpered against his mouth and happily welcomed him between her legs when he rolled her onto her back. He gripped her thigh in one hand andcaressed her face with the other. In between wildly filthy kisses, he said, “I’ll give you a baby right now if you want it.”

“Rafa!” Sky gazed up at him with a mix of shock and arousal. He nipped at her lush lower lip and flicked his tongue against hers. She moaned and arched up beneath him, pressing her body to his in the most wickedly delicious way. “It’s too early.”

He tore his mouth away from hers, letting his lips drift along her neck to the swell of her breast heaving above her tank top. “We can sleep first.”

“No.” She laughed and then gasped when his hand slipped into the waistband of her sleep shorts. “I meant—God!” She groaned as his fingers moved between her thighs. “I meant that it’s too early in my cycle to get pregnant.”

The mention of biology and cycles threw him off his game. He didn’t know much about the intricacies of conception. He had the basics down, of course, but knowing where his wife was in her cycle and whether she was fertile was beyond his ken.

“Well.” He resumed his exploration of his wife’s body, finding her wet and ready for all he had to offer. “Maybe we can consider this practice.”

“Practice?” She cried out when he swirled his fingertips over her swollen clitoris.

“It makes perfect.” He swallowed another cry of joy with a punishing kiss while his fingers touched where he wanted to taste. “Or, at least, that’s what I’ve heard.”

“If you get any better at this, you’re going to kill me,” she warned playfully. “As it is, I can barely function after you make me come.”

“You want to test that?” He held her gaze while letting his fingers swirl and rub her slick heat.


“Sky?” He grinned as she grasped his waist and tried to force his body even closer.

She clutched at his shoulders. “Stop teasing me.”

Filled with love for his beautiful, sensual wife, he captured her lips and kissed her until she was soft and pliant beneath him. He gave her what she wanted, using his skilled fingers to bring her to climax quickly. Of course, she wasn’t satisfied with that. She wanted more.

More that he was happy to provide.

They tore at each other’s pajamas. Shirts and shorts were carelessly tossed aside. Naked and burning up with lust, they rolled around in the bed, tangling their legs and tongues until he could barely make sense of where he ended, and she started.

When she shoved him back to the bed and straddled his lap, he happily reclined against the pillows. With his hands on her waist, he guided her movements as she stroked his aching cock and then slipped it inside her. They both moaned with pleasure, her from being filled and stretched and him from being squeezed in such wet heat.

She was incredible. He gazed up at her with such wild adoration. She rocked and bounced on his lap, her breasts driving him crazy. He couldn’t pass up the chance to enjoy them. She groaned his name as he lavished her breasts with attention, suckling and nipping until she was clawing at his chest. But even in the throes of passion, she was careful with his scar. She kept her nails away from it and used less pressure as she braced herself against his chest.

Her breaths shifted, growing deeper and faster. He had learned to recognize the signals and wanted to finish with her. He gripped her waist and pounded up into her from below, making her gasp and cry out with each snap of his hips. Her mouth dropped open, and her nails scratched at his lower belly. Her thighs tightened, and she began to make feral sounds.

She climaxed with his name on her lips. He would never tire of that, would never grow bored of hearing his wife begging him to keep going, to make her feel good, to make her come.

“Rafa! Rafa! Rafa!”

He dug his toes into the bed as his own climax rushed through him. He didn’t even try to hold back, to be quiet, to slow down and draw it out. No, he raced toward the finish line, desperate to join her.

With a rough groan, he came hard, filling his wife with his seed. It wouldn’t take hold, not this time, but that didn’t make it any less exciting. Soon enough, it would. Until then? Well. As he said. Practice makes perfect.

“Now, I need a nap,” Sky murmured in between yawns. “Just a little one.”

“I’ll set an alarm.” He reached for his phone on the bedside table and tapped at the screen. He noticed a message from Dina. “The party crew is already here setting up outside.”

“Your mother went way overboard,” Sky said, but not unkindly. “Three hundred guests? He’s one. He won’t even remember today.”

“No, he won’t, but she will.” He had given up trying to reason with his mother about planning a smaller event for Jasper’s birthday. It was easier to give her carte blanche. “Besides, it’s a good excuse for inviting our employees and their kids.”

“I agree, but still. We’re lucky she didn’t go with the circus theme.” Sky rolled onto her side, and he spooned her from behind. “I swear to God, Rafa. She was trying to figure out a way to get an elephant here. The only reason she gave up on that idea was because Lola went ballistic at the idea of clearing out the rose garden to make room for an actual circus tent.”

“I’m not surprised.” All he could do was laugh. “I suppose I shouldn’t complain about the petting zoo today.”