She’s drowning—and I wasn’t there to save her.

Conscious of the watchful eyes surrounding them, he gently took her hand. “Let’s go home. We’ll talk there.”

She relented with a nod. Silently, they left the law firm and made their way to the parking garage. She gave him the key fob when he asked and seemed relieved not to have to drive. She settled into the passenger seat and picked up her phone.

Even though he had a million questions about the new nanny, he kept quiet. He had said they would talk at home. He would at least keep that promise. “Are you hungry? We could stop for lunch.”

“I’m tired, but if you’re hungry, I’ll sit with you while you eat.”

There it was. Always selfless. Always making sure everyone else got what they wanted.

“I’m fine. We’ll go straight home so you can sleep.”

“Well, actually, Taegan doesn’t work on Wednesday afternoons.”

“Why not?”

“She’s an early ed major at St. Mary’s. She has classes on Monday and Wednesday. She’s with us Tuesday, Thursday and Friday.”

“I see.” He navigated across two lanes of traffic to reach the turn lane he needed to use. “And that’s enough help for you?”

“I think it will be.”

He had more concerns, but he let it go. She was tired, and she’d been through hell with Beverly. All of his questions could wait.

When they arrived home, Sky introduced him to Taegan. His anxiety over having this new person in their lives melted away when he saw how much Jasper enjoyed her. She had a gentle way of speaking and a sweet disposition. Every question heasked, she answered easily and honestly. He was a pretty good judge of character, and nothing about her made him suspicious.

Nevertheless, after she left, he said, “I want to have her checked out.”

Sky looked up from the diaper she was changing. “Why?”

“I want to know that Jasper and you are safe.”

“She’s twenty-one, Rafael. She’s from Plano. She came with a reference from the archbishop and two nuns. Plus, she worked for the Radley family next door for two years.”

“Still, I want to know about her family, the men she dates—.”

“Women,” Sky corrected. “She dates girls, Rafael.”

“Well, then, I want to make sure she doesn’t have a history of dating criminal women.”

Sky rolled her eyes. “If it will make you feel better...”

“It would make me feel better to have security with the two of you day and night,” he admitted. “I should have hired bodyguards weeks ago.”

“Bodyguards? Really?” She finished changing Jasper’s diaper and helped him stand on the table. “You hear that, Jas? Your silly uncle thinks we need babysitters!” She nuzzled Jasper and made him laugh. “He’s so paranoid!”

“It’s not paranoia, Sky. You’re my wife, and I’m extremely wealthy. Jasper is an heir to my family’s empire. You’re both at risk.” He shuddered at the thought of the two of them being hurt. “If anything happens to you—.” He bit back the words that he couldn’t bear to say. “After my father and grandfather were killed, I insisted we all have security. Jaime and Maddie chose not to follow that rule while they lived here in San Antonio.”

“It wouldn’t have changed what happened to them,” Sky pointed out carefully.

“No,” he agreed sadly, “but I’ve had about as much death as I can handle. Losing Jasper? Losing you?” He gulped as his emotions threatened to overwhelm him. “I can’t, Sky.”

Her expression softened, and she brought Jasper to him. After she handed over their nephew, she put her hands on his chest and gazed up at him with concern. “All right, Rafael. Hire security. I trust you to find the right people.”

Surprised by her acquiescence, he said, “I promise you’ll barely notice them. How often did you see security around the estate?”

“Not often, but the estate is massive. We’re in much closer quarters here.”