Once their nephew was safely deposited in his crib, Rafael wordlessly ate up the distance between them with steady strides. He shocked her by taking her hand and tugging her into hisembrace. She stiffened at first, unsure what he wanted, but when his strong arms enveloped her, she surrendered to his protective heat.

With her arms wrapped around his waist, she clutched at his shirt and pressed her cheek to his hard chest. She listened to his heartbeat as he slowly swayed side to side with the music. Held tight by her husband, she let the tears fall.

Rafael must have known she needed a good cry. He said nothing as they danced to the gentle song Maddie had loved so much. She clung to Rafa, to her husband, and let herself feel all the grief and sadness she had denied herself today.

“I’m sorry,” she said when she could finally breathe normally again. “I’ve soaked your shirt.”

“Are you feeling any better?”

“A little.”

“Then my shirt’s sacrifice was worth it,” he teased. Tenderly, he swept the tears from her cheeks with his thumb. “We’re going to be all right, Sky. We’ll get through this together.”

Gazing up at him, she asked, “When do you cry?”

“In the shower,” he admitted. “The last few days, as soon as I step in and the water hits me, it’s like I wake up fully from my sleep—and I remember. I remember that my brother is dead. My sister-in-law is dead. My nephew is an orphan. It hits hard—and I let myself wallow in those feelings for a few minutes.”

“And then what? You just turn it off?”

He nodded stiffly. “If I don’t, I’ll never get out of that shower. I’ll just stand there under the water sobbing until the aquifer runs dry.” He offered a lopsided smile. “Lola would never forgive me if her plants wilted because I used all the water so selfishly.”

“Well, you’ll have to wait for her to finish throttling Beto first, I think.”

Rafael snorted. “Wouldn’t be the first time she’s beat him up.”

“What? Really?”

“When they were both teenagers, Beto dated one of her friends and broke her heart. She broke his fingers.”

Sky’s jaw dropped. “Shewhat?”

“She swears it was an accident. That his fingers just happened to be in the way when she slammed that car door but...”

Sky blanched. “Remind me never to make her angry.”

“You never could. She adores you. My whole family does.”

And you?Her heart leaped at the unspoken question. Did he think of that night as often as she did? Or was it a memory he had buried deep because he saw it as an embarrassing mistake?

“I wish I could have given you the wedding you deserve, Sky.”

She lifted her gaze to his and was taken aback by the depth of emotion reflected back at her.

“You deserved so much more than this.” He caressed her jaw, setting her skin alight. “I’m sure this isn’t the first dance you envisioned when you were a little girl.”

“That little girl envisioned all sorts of things that will never happen,” Sky sadly replied.

They shared a sorrowful glance, one that made her chest ache. There was no joy in their wedding day; there was only pain, anguish, and grief.

His stormy emotions mirrored hers, and she stared into his dark eyes, Sky felt herself leaning closer. She gulped as his head dipped toward hers. There was a heartbeat of hesitation, a brief moment where Rafa pulled back ever so slightly.

And then his lips were on hers.

It was a kiss so passionate it made her toes curl. She clutched onto him, grasping his arm and shoulder, and let him control the possessive kiss. For so long, she had craved this, craved him.

Now he’s mine.

My husband.