Not that he would ever fool himself into believing shewantedto marry him. No, he was certain she felt relieved because she would have a partner in raising Jasper and an ally against Beverly.
After Jasper had eaten a few bites, he took his spoon and began to push the food around his tray again. Sky turned her attention to her plate, eating her dinner while conversations swirled around them. No one talked about the funeral. It was the elephant in the room, of course, but they were all too tired and emotionally wrung out to discuss it now.
When dessert was finished, another round of coffee was served. Sky removed Jasper from his highchair and let him sit on her lap. She fed him tiny dollops of the fresh whipped cream on her plate, keeping him happy and amused while she talked with Lola about a flower that grew in Iceland. This was the lull he had been waiting for, and even though he was suddenly nervous, there was no point in delaying his announcement a minute longer.
Rafael cleared his throat. “There’s something I need to discuss with all of you.”
Sky’s head jerked in his direction. Her eyes were wide like a skittish horse. She darted her scared gaze from his face to his mother’s and then back again.
Not wanting her to be scared or anxious, he gently grasped her hand. The gesture didn’t go unnoticed. He saw the looks Dina and Beto exchanged. His mother seemed bewildered, butLola had a knowing smirk. Maybe she knew him better than he thought.
“After discussing the will Jaime and Maddie left behind, Sky and I have decided to get married.” He didn’t beat around the bush. He let it all out in one simple sentence. “I’m waiting to hear back from legal, but I suspect we’ll be married by the end of the week. We’ll proceed with an adoption after that.”
Dina’s brow furrowed. “You sound like you’re discussing the terms of a business deal, Rafa.”
“I am.” He felt Sky flinch but kept his gaze pinned on Dina. “Sky and I are doing this for Jasper to ensure he’s safe and protected from Beverly.”
“There are other ways to do that,” Beto insisted, his attention on Sky. “Ways that are better for Sky than being married to you.”
Beto’s words hit their mark. Rafael’s jealousy flared at the thought that Beto might be the better option for a husband. Beto was younger and had a wanderlust that matched hers. He had a big, open heart, and he was patient and friendly and loving. He wouldn’t be afraid to show affection and never put business before his wife and child.
“We made this decision together,” Sky stated, her voice clear and strong. “For Jasper.”
Even though she agreed with his reasoning, it rang hollow to his ears. Down at the other end of the table, his mother seemed torn between scolding and congratulating them. Her worried gaze lingered on Sky. Was she worried he would break her heart? Deny her a chance at real happiness?
When his mother’s gaze moved to him, he felt suddenly vulnerable and exposed. No, his mother wasn’t worried only about Sky. She was worried about him. She was worried that he would be the one who was hurt and broken by this arranged marriage.
Chapter Seven
Standing in the middle of an exclusive bridal shop, Sky tried and failed to hold back tears. No matter how much her childhood dreams of her wedding had changed, one thing had always been constant. Maddie at her side as maid of honor.
My sister is dead.
My sister is dead, and I’m raising her son
And marrying the one man I’ve always wanted.
Except Rafa had made it painfully clear in the days since his shocking proposal that this would truly be a marriage of convenience. They were marrying for one reason and one reason alone—Jasper.
What should have been a moment of joy had become a gut-churning nightmare.
“I can’t do this,” Sky announced suddenly. Her face prickled with heat, and it felt like her lungs were too small and there wasn’t enough air in the room.
“Can’t do what?” Dina asked, moving closer and putting a gentle hand on her shoulder. “Marry Rafa?”
“No,” Sky clarified, fully aware that she absolutely had to marry Rafa to keep Jasper safe from Beverly’s clutches. “Buy a dress. Do this whole thing.” She gestured around the luxurious space. “The champagne and the macarons and the smiling consultants.”
“I told you it was too much!” Lola hissed at her older sister before engulfing Sky in a much-needed embrace. “Just breathe, Sky. Slow breaths in and slow breaths out. You’re about to have a panic attack, I think.”
“This wasn’t my idea!” Dina hissed right back and carefully patted Sky’s arm. “I told Mama that this was a terrible idea. That it wasn’t the right time!”
“It’s not your mom’s fault,” Sky interrupted the sisterly bickering. She wiped the tears from her cheeks and inhaled a shuddery breath. “It’s mine. I should have known I wasn’t ready for this, not so soon after…” She couldn’t even bring herself to say the word funeral. “I should have been more forceful about just wearing something from my luggage.”
“Sky,mija, I’ve found the perfect dress!” Soila swanned into the private dressing room with assistants hot on her heels. “It’s simple and beautiful and—.” Her smile faded. “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing,” Sky lied, wiping at her face again. “I just… I was having a moment.”
Soila closed the distance with graceful strides and pulled Sky into a motherly hug. She smelled heavenly and comforting, like flowers and spice, and Sky melted into her strong embrace. She desperately needed a mother's love, and Soila filled that role perfectly.