“It doesn’t matter, Rafael! I saw her face! She was crushed!”

“I’ll apologize.”

“It won’t be enough.” Dina shook her head with disgust. “You men,” she sneered. “You feel so guilty about your infatuation with her that you take it out on her and make her feel small and unworthy when really, it’syouthat’s unworthy of her. I don’t know what happened after the wedding, but whatever you did, you had better fix it, Rafael!”

“I didn’t do anything!”

“Spare me, Rafael. You forget that I’ve known you longer than anyone else. I can see it in the twitch of your eye that you’re lying.” She pointed out his tell with the tip of her manicured fingernail. “Twitch. Twitch. Twitch.”

Before he could tell her where to stick that finger, Jasper made a strange sound and spit up curdled formula. The foul-smelling liquid spilled onto his suit jacket, and he recoiled at the horror of it.

“Ay, pobrecito.” Dina plucked Jasper from his arms. “You know what? Your uncle’s face makes me want to puke, too.”

“Hey!” Rafael scolded. “Don’t tell him things like that! He might think you’re serious about me being a bad person.”

“You’re the one who made his favorite aunt cry. He already knows you’re the bad guy.” She wrinkled her nose at the mess on his jacket. “You need to change. I’m taking Jasper back to Mama.”

Cuddling and cooing at their nephew, Dina walked away without another word. He was left standing there, painted with spit-up, wondering how to make things right with Sky. Would she even listen to his apology? Would she consider forgiving him for being a complete jackass?

As he climbed the stairs, he remained irked at Dina for seeing right through him. She had called him out, and rightfully so.

First, a change of clothing, he decided. Then, he would grovel at Sky’s feet.

Chapter Five

Sky experienced the worst sense of déjà vu as she sat and cried in the guest bedroom. Suddenly, she was six years in the past, trying to decide where to run and whether she could ever show her face again in Mexico. She had sworn she would never be in this situation again, but here she was.

As much as she wanted to hate Rafael for pointing out that she didn’t have much to offer Jasper, she had to admit that he was right. She was only one person, and even though she loved Jasper so much, she could never provide him with the incredible love and support of the entirefamiliaFarias. Was it fair for her to take him back to San Antonio? To deprive him of the incredible family he had right here?

Jaime and Maddie had been very clear in their instructions in the letter the lawyer had given her. They wanted Jasper raised in San Antonio, in the home they had renovated, until he was old enough to decide whether he wanted to stay in Texas or move to the family estate outside Guadalajara.

There were other instructions in their letter. Yearly trips to Disney World or Disneyland. Summers and Christmases in Mexico with Jaime’s family. Being raised bilingual. Guiding him forward in their Catholic faith. Getting him a dog or cat when he was old enough to understand the responsibility of being a pet owner. Making sure he learned to ski and swim and play soccer.

It wrecked her now to think of all the many wonderful things Jaime and Maddie would never experience with their son. They had been such loving parents, and he had been the light of their lives. Now, they were gone, and Sky knew she didn’t measure up to them. She would never even come close to giving Jasper what his parents would have. She was one person, alone, and they had been soulmates who radiated love.

Rafael is right. I don’t have any business trying to raise Jasper alone.

She sobbed at the cruel reality of the situation. She wanted so much to follow the instructions and wishes of her sister and Jaime, but if Beverly tried to mount a legal case, Sky was certain she would lose. She had no solid work history. She had lived an adventurer’s lifestyle, hopping from country to country without notice. She had roots now, but they were shallow.

There was no doubt in her mind that if Beverly sued for custody, Rafael would also sue to prevent Jasper from going with Beverly.

No judge is going to side with me over Beverly or Rafael.

Could she risk a judge choosing Beverly? Was it better to let Rafael have Jasper? He would be safe and loved here. He would be happy and surrounded by family.

Being a parent meant sacrifice. It meant being selfless. It meant putting a child’s needs before her own.

As much as it would hurt to give Jasper up, she knew it was the right choice. He deserved the childhood she had been denied.

There was a knock at the door, and then Rafael asked, “Sky?”

“Yes?” She wiped her eyes and sniffled.

“May I speak with you?”

“The door is unlocked.”

He entered the bedroom and closed the door. Leaning back against it, he said, “Sky, I acted like an asshole back there on the stairs.”