Page 89 of Ten

“No, but something else did.” Ten made a face as he caught a whiff of something that was definitely no longer part of his job description. “Time to land at Terminal Mommy.”

“Oh, lucky me.” Vivian accepted her son with a grin and nuzzled his chubby face. “Stinky boy! Perfect time for a bath so you’ll be nice and clean when Lana gets here to take over for the evening.”

“She’s good with him.” Ten had been uncertain about letting Lana, the girl Kostya had found in a motel and who had worked part-time at Allure ever since, take on the position of nanny for Lev. Kostya and Holly vouched for her, as did Nisha who was glad that Lana was doing work more in line with her long-term career goals. The girl wanted to be a preschool teacher, and Lev was sure to train her right.

“She’s wonderful with him.” Vivian shot him a sad smile. “But you’re irreplaceable.”

“I don’t know about that.” He eyed Stas who hovered in the hallway. There had been some questions about who Nikolai would choose to take over now that Ten was leaving their employ. As far as Ten was concerned, Stas was the only choice. He had kindness to him when necessary, but he was no-nonsense when it came to following rules. He would keep Vivian out of trouble.

“Do you plan to be fashionably late tonight to your party?” Vivian asked as she carried Lev toward the grand staircase. “Or will you be annoyingly early as usual?”

“I’m coming from Nisha’s place so we’ll be fashionably late. She’ll have to change her shoes at least four times before we make it out the door.”

Vivian laughed and unlatched the baby gate at the bottom of the stairs. “Well, in that case, I will see you this evening, and I will not expect you through the doors of Samovar until fifteen after seven.”

“Yes, ma’am.”

She gave his arm a gentle pat before taking Lev upstairs to the nursery. When Stas didn’t immediately follow, he growled, “Go. She’ll need help keeping that feral child from running out the door.”

“Right. Sorry.” Stas hurried after Vivian, taking the steps two at a time to catch her. He struggled with the childproof gate at the top of the stairs but finally managed it.

Ten shook his head. Stas had a lot to learn if he wanted to be successful as Vivian and Lev’s bodyguard.

“You’re leaving?” Nikolai greeted when Ten stepped into the kitchen. The boss had brought in a basket of produce from his fall garden and was separating the vegetables into piles.

“Yes. It’s time.” In more ways than one.

“You’re always welcome here in our home.” Nikolai set aside two strangely shaped squash. “Just because you no longer work here doesn’t mean you aren’t family.”

“Thank you. That means....” Ten cleared his suddenly tight throat. “That means a lot to me.”

“You’re practically Vivian’s brother and Lev’s uncle.” Nikolai started piling produce into a smaller basket.

“Practically,” he agreed.

Stepping aside and shifting his role in the Kalasnikov crime family felt natural now that his parole was officially completed, but it wasn’t without some sadness. Even so, he was looking forward to taking over the trucking company for Alexei Sarnov. It was a piece of mafia business that straddled the line of legitimacy, but it meant he would be home every night, barring any emergencies. Being home every night meant he could finally ask Nisha to marry him.

“Did you get everything squared away with Zoya?”

Ten nodded at the mention of the jeweler’s name. “It’s at home in my safe.”

Nikolai smiled. “She’ll be a good wife to you.”

“I hope I’m a good husband to her.”

“You will be.” Nikolai spoke as if there was no other option. Truthfully, there wasn’t. If he fucked up, it wouldn’t just be Nicky Jackson on his ass. It would be Holly and Savannah and Billie and everyone else at the salon. “Here. Take this home with you. We’re drowning in acorn squash and beans. I let Lev help with the planting, and he went a little overboard with the seeds.”

"He inherited his father's green thumb." Ten accepted the basket of vegetables. “Thank you.”

“Better than other things he might have inherited from me," Nikolai reasoned. "We’ll see you tonight?”


“I had the bar order in extra for yourretirementparty.” Nikolai draped a dish towel over his shoulder. “I expect to see you dancing on a table before the night is over.”

“Oh, Nisha will absolutely love that.” Ten laughed at the image of Nisha pursing her lips and scowling up at him if he climbed up on their table.

“She’ll get used to it.” Nikolai clapped him on the shoulder. “Go on. Go before you get roped into chasing my wild son around the house again.”