He gripped my hip in one big band and used the other to caress my back and shoulders. He set a pace that rocked me to the core, plunging in and out of me so fast I saw stars. I could feel his hands tightening on my body as he chased his climax. It wasn’t a mean touch or an intimidating one. It was the grip of a man on the verge of losing control.
“Nisha!” He thrust deep, spilling into me, filling me with his cum. He rocked back and forth, milking the last bursts of joy, and then draped himself over me. He shoved my shirt up and out of the way, and kissed a line down my spine.
He withdrew slowly, carefully, and then pressed on my hip until I rolled onto my back. My pussy ached, and my clit pulsed. I wanted to come so bad.
Before I could vocalize my need, Ten was on his knees, pushing my thighs apart. I cried out in shock as he descended on my pussy. His tongue lashed my clit, suckling and fluttering until I thought my heart was going to explode.
“Anton.” I gripped a handful of his hair. “Anton!”
He growled like a starving man and devoured my cunt, showing me with his tongue how much my pleasure meant to him. I climaxed with a moan, shoving my pussy against his mouth in a desperate bid to make it last.
When it was over, I covered my face with both hands and tried to catch my breath. Ten kissed my inner thighs and my belly before rising to his full height and striding into the bathroom to tidy his face and fix his clothing. I didn’t even try to move. I stayed there, basking in the afterglow of being reclaimed by him.
“Get dressed when you can.” He leaned over me and kissed me tenderly. His face and beard smelled of hand soap which made me blush when I considered why. “Stay in here until I come to get you.”
“I will.” I had no desire to overhear whatever was happening with the man Ilya had caught. The reminder of that situation killed what was left of my afterglow. The ugly reality hit me hard, and I forced myself to get up and take care of the mess between my legs.
He came inside me.
The realization didn’t upset me. In the throes of passion, neither of us had been thinking about slowing down and being careful. I was nearing the end of my cycle. My period tracking app had alerted me Aunt Flo was due in four days. My cycles were like clockwork, and the risk of pregnancy was basically zero.
There were other concerns, obviously, and we would have to discuss that as soon as possible. Not that I didn’t trust Ten to keep me safe, but I had to be clear that this could not happen again until I had his test results right in front of me.
After I tidied up and slipped back into my clothes, I noticed that even though the sex had been aggressive I didn’t hurt. I felt relaxed and languid. With Kiki, it had never been that way. It had always been painful. With Ten, it was nothing but pleasure.
I reached over to straighten the covers on the bed, but something outside caught my eye. The blinds in the bedroom had been pulled down earlier by Eric with the remote, but I could see a strange red glow outside.
Curious but with trepidation, I slowly walked over to the French doors that opened onto a private patio. Otis Redding continued to croon, this timeMy Lover’s Prayer, and I wondered if I should turn it down. The thought of hearing whatever was happening with the man Ilya had dragged into the cabin stopped me.
At the door, I gently pulled aside the gauzy drape and parted two wooden blind slats. The red glow came into focus, and I couldn’t quite make sense of it at first.
Was it a bird? No. Not a bird. It hovered not far from the cabin, just under a tree, and the red glow of what looked like three eyes was fixed on my window.
It was a drone.
I opened my mouth to shout Ten’s name, but it was too late. Gunshots erupted. I couldn’t tell if they started inside the cabin or outside. I screamed and flung myself to the floor, scrambling for a place to hide. It was like being in the middle of a war zone. Glass shattered. Men shouted. Rapid gunfire left my ears ringing.
I crawled toward the bed, away from the French doors, but I wasn’t fast enough. There was a sudden explosion of glass and wood. I turned my head and screamed at the sight of two men in black SWAT-type uniforms on the other side of the now gaping hole in the room. One of them had a sledgehammer, and he slammed it into the remaining fragments of the glass panes and wooden supports.
He dropped the hammer, picked up the rifle hanging from his shoulder, and began to rapidly fire at the door to the bedroom. No one could make it through that suppressing gunfire. I was caught and at their mercy.
His partner rushed into the room, grabbed me by the back of my hair, and painfully hauled me to my feet. I shrieked in agony, certain I was being scalped, and tried to fight him off. He popped me right in the mouth, and I stumbled back a step. Blood poured from my busted lips, and my vision danced from the blow.
He curled his gloved fingers tighter into my hair and shoved me down until I was bent at the waist. He marched me through the broken glass and wooden splinters, and my bare feet took the brunt of the punishment. I didn’t dare slow down or try to escape. The hand that wasn’t in my hair had a gun pressed to my temple. He would blow my head off if I so much as twitched.
A loudthwappingsound echoed in the night. A helicopter. Louder than the gunfire. Louder than the shouts from the cabin behind me. More men jumped out of the helicopter and began to fire their powerful rifles at the cabin. I was hustled up into the helicopter, shoved into a seat, and quickly belted into place.
The men scrambled back inside the helicopter, all the while firing at the cabin. Through the haze of tears and blood, I stared at the cabin, now aglow with fire. Ten! Wilford! Eric! Ilya! Kosyta!
How many of them had been shot? All of them? Were they badly injured? Were they dead?
Oh, God. No. No. Not again. Not again. Please.
Death and destruction followed me wherever I went. Savannah. Chess. Robin Harris. The salon. Ten kidnapped. The cabin shot to hell and now engulfed in flames.
This is all my fault.
I’m a curse.