“This morning,” I said, turning away again and unable to meet his intense stare. “I had this ridiculous idea that I could just ask you to have sex, no strings attached, and you would be fine with it. That I would be fine with it,” I added, suddenly realizing how dumb that was. “But I don’t think that’s a good idea anymore.”
“Okay,thatwould have offended me.”
I spun back to face him. He looked hurt, and I felt bad. “I’m sorry.”
“I understand why you would want that.” He hesitated. “I know your ex hurt you.”
“He did.” There was no point in lying about it or being cagey. It was all out there in black and white for anyone to read in newspaper archives. “That doesn’t mean I should hurt other people.”
“You didn’t hurt me, Nisha. I would have been offended by the idea of only being good enough to fuck, but I would have understood.”
He stepped toward me, and my first instinct was to recoil and hide. Those old habits were hard to break, even after years of therapy for the trauma and betrayal I had endured. Instead, I stood my ground and waited.
Ten moved slowly, cautiously, as if he were approaching a wounded animal. In many ways, I was. His gaze was so soft and kind, and it made me want to weep with relief. “I won’t hurt you, Nisha. Not physically or emotionally or mentally. If all you can accept right now is sex?” He shrugged. “Okay. I would be honored to share that with you.”
He chortled. “I’m an ex-con, Nisha. I’m honored you’re even willing to step foot into my home. Letting me touch you?” He shook his head. “I don’t deserve that, but fuck me if I’m going to refuse the chance.”
My heart raced as I gazed up into his handsome face. There was no dishonesty. He was being open and truthful—and it was making my whole body thrum. The sexual tension between us coupled with the adrenaline of fear from Kiki’s escape had my emotions amped right up.
I stepped toward him, closing the space between us, and placed my hands on his chest. I was a big girl, heavy and curvy, but he made me feel small. Dainty, even. I spread my hands along his cotton shirt, sliding them up his hard pecs and up toward his shoulders. He leaned down as I touched him and swallowed so hard I could hear it. The vein in his neck jumped wildly, and I had the strongest urge to lick it, to swipe my tongue right over it and feel his heartbeat.
And then my phone rang.
Startled, I broke eye contact and glanced at my purse on the coffee table where I had left it. My first instinct to ignore the call was squashed by Ten gesturing toward my bag. “You should take that. It’s probably important.”
“Right.” I nodded and reluctantly stepped away from him. As I reached for my phone, I looked back at him. Ten wiped a hand down his face, and I couldn’t tell what he was feeling. Regret? Frustration?
Whatever it was, it would have to wait. When I answered the phone, I heard the voice that stalked my nightmares.
“Nisha. I’m coming for you, baby.”
Chapter Four
WhenNishadroppedthephone, Ten rushed to her side. She shook so hard he feared she was on the cusp of a seizure, and her eyes were wide with terror. “Nisha?”
She threw her arms around his neck, clutching onto him so tightly he nearly choked. She was strong, much stronger than any other woman he had encountered. Her sharp nails dug into the meat of his shoulders, and he winced. He didn’t ask her to let go or push her away. He suffered through the pain, desperate to calm her.
“Nisha.” He wrapped his arms around her body, drawing her in tight. “It’s okay. You’re okay.” He cupped the back of her head and pressed his cheek to her temple. She trembled, and he was certain she was having a panic attack as her breaths grew shallow and short. “Nisha, talk to me.”
“Kiki,” she finally managed and buried her face in his neck. He felt the smear of hot tears on his skin. His heart broke, and he held her even tighter. “He’s coming.”
Ten would kill him. There was no question about it. “He’s never going to touch you again.”
“He will.”
Ten hated that Kiki had destroyed so much of Nisha’s life. He hated that she could be so easily reduced to this terrified, shaking, sobbing mess by that psychotic, abusive piece of shit. The death sentence Kiki had been handed down by the jury wasn’t enough. With appeals and now this escape, he had continued to torment her and the families of his victims.
“I’m so sorry, Ten.” She sobbed against his neck. “I’m so sorry.”
“For what?” he asked, completely befuddled.
“For dragging you into this.”
“You didn’t drag me into anything. I came running willingly.” He eyed the sofa and steered her that way. She never let go, and he didn’t mind the awkward pace. Holding her like this, feeling the curves of her body against his, giving her the comfort and protection she needed, was worth the slight ache in his back and the worry he might clumsily step on her.
“Wait. I’ll squash you.” Even in her distress, she worried about her weight and hurting him.