They finished eating in companionable silence. Nisha picked up her phone every few minutes to check for a message, and he tried not to think about Ilya out there stalking the watcher. He kept his ears trained for the sound of a gunshot and tried not to rouse Nisha’s suspicions when he surreptitiously checked his watch.
The sun was setting which meant Ilya was running out of daylight. What if the watcher got the drop on him? What if there was more than one man out there? What if Ilya was already dead?
He shuddered to think what Kostya would do to him. Eric didn’t scare easily, but he knew better than anyone what that man had in his black bag. He knew all about the storage containers modified as interrogation chambers. He had zero interest in getting up close and personal with Kostya’s dental tools.
The alarm beeped, and Eric jumped to his feet. He drew his weapon and quietly motioned for Nisha to crouch down and hide behind the kitchen counter. Carefully, he crept toward the door. The screen mounted above the alarm system control pad showed a clear view of the sensor that had been tripped. A black Suburban rolled down the road toward the cabin, still far enough away that he could grab Nisha and make a break for it.
His phone vibrated on the table, and he rushed back to grab it, figuring Kostya had also received notice of the tripped sensors.
It’s us. Don’t fucking shoot.
Eric huffed and typed his reply.
A phone call would have been nice.
“What’s wrong?” Nisha asked, barely peeking her head over the top of the counter. “Should I get my gun from my luggage?”
“It’s the cavalry.” He pocketed his phone. “But, yeah, it probably wouldn’t be a bad idea to have your weapon at hand. Criminals incoming and all that.”
“Eric!” she chastised and shot to her feet. “Don’t start trouble.”
“Me?” He strode to the door to welcome their guests. “I wouldn’t dream of it.”
Chapter Twenty-Five
WhenTenstormedthroughthe door, I nearly fainted. My legs got all wobbly, and I gripped the counter for support. He scanned for me, and as soon as he spotted me, he ate up the distance between us with powerful strides. “Anton!”
He wrapped both burly arms around me, crushing me in his embrace. “I’m here.”
I gripped his shoulder and waist, refusing to let go. “I was so worried.”
“I know.” He kissed my cheek and my jaw. “I’m so sorry.”
“It’s okay.” I leaned back enough to gaze up into his handsome face. “You’re not hurt?”
“No, I’m not hurt.” He dipped low and claimed my lips in a tender kiss. When he pulled back, he sighed. “You’re going to be mad at me.”
“Why?” I searched his face.
“I brought the man who kidnapped me.” Ten’s gaze shifted back to the front door where a man stood between Kostya and Eric. The man had dried blood on his neck and cheek, and a bandage over his ear. I didn’t want to ask how he had been injured.
“Why?” I searched Ten’s face, hoping against everything that he hadn’t brought this man back here to kill him.
“Because he wants the same thing we do.” Ten slid his hand along the curve of my back to settle just above my hip. “His name is Alejandro, and his daughter was JoJo Ochoa.”
The mention of her name rattled me. I felt suddenly embarrassed standing there in front of a man who had lost his child to my psycho ex-husband. Unsure what to say or do, I took a few tentative steps toward him. “Alejandro, I’m so sorry.”
“You don’t have anything to apologize for,” he said, his Mexican accent rolling over the syllables in a way that was smooth and lyrical. “You were also a victim.”
“Yes, but not anymore.” My gaze shifted to Kostya. His presence didn’t bode well. “How is Holly? Tiara?”
“Holly is at the hospital with Savannah. She’s still intubated and unconscious,” Kostya said. “Tiara is with people I trust to keep her safe.”
“I don’t want her hurt.”
Kostya actually looked affronted. “She won’t be.”
“Do you promise?” It was dangerous to push a man like Kostya, but I had to know for sure.