Page 55 of Ten

“Yeah, I'm sure there’s a big market for cabins with more security than a prison,” Ten grumbled.

“Hey, even criminals need a vacation,” Kostya reasoned.

Ten let loose a rough laugh.

“Listen, call Eric. Have him come sit with her. He and Ilya get along fine. I’ll meet you after you’re finished with your PO. We’ll get you a clean car and another phone, just in case.”

“Yeah. Okay.” Ten didn’t like the way this day was turning out, but he didn’t have a choice. He didn’t want to go back to prison or be separated from Nisha. He would drive to Houston, take the test, meet with Kostya, switch out his vehicle and phone, and drive back to the cabin.

Piece of cake.


Chapter Sixteen

Holly, I don’t even know what to say about the salon.

It’s not your fault.

These people are lunatics.

Shesentfourrowsof angry emojis. As much as she insisted it wasn’t my fault, we both knew that wasn’t true. I might not have broken the windows or spray painted the exterior or tossed a Molotov cocktail, but those vandals only attacked the salon because I worked there and was part-owner.

Savvy woke up a little bit ago.

Sort of.

Sort of?

She’s still intubated. Lots of drugs.

She’s improving?

Yes. And still stable.


You hear anything about Chess?

Ten spoke to Artyom this morning.

She’s doing well.

Surgery was successful.

Bullet missed her femoral artery by a few millimeters.

Holy shit! She’s insanely lucky.

Or the shooter wasn’t trying to kill her.

Holly’s comment mirrored my thoughts.

Savvy’s wound is bad, but I wonder if it’s because she moved in front of you.

Your height difference?
