“No.” He smiled mischievously. “Do you?”
“I’m a cover hog,” Ten warned.
“I run hot so I don’t mind if I end up uncovered.” I ran my thumb along the edge of my tablet. “I don’t want to be alone tonight.”
“I understand.” He walked to the bedroom door and shut it nearly all the way. “I’ll leave it open in case Wilford comes looking for you.”
Touched by his concern for my cat, I said, “He won’t. He’s very particular about not having anyone near him when he sleeps.”
Ten looked unconvinced. “He’ll probably want to come in here later to make sure you’re safe.” He touched his face. “Hopefully, he won’t try to sneak in a few scratches while I’m passed out next to you.”
“He better not!”
“I won’t hold it against him. I’d do the same thing if I walked in and found a strange man in bed with my woman.”
His rumbling laughter almost made me forget all about the nightmare lurking somewhere in the darkness.
“Will this light bother you?” He gestured to a night light plugged in near the door. “I don’t need it,” he added quickly, as if he feared I would think less of him for having it.
“I need it.” I wasn’t saying that just to make him feel better. “I have them all through my house. If I wake up in pitch black darkness, I panic and think I’m back in—.” I abruptly stopped myself before I blurted out one of my secrets.
“Back where, Nisha?” Ten asked gently.
I held his gentle gaze for a moment before admitting, “Kiki used to punish me by locking me in a closet with…” I shuddered with repulsion. “I just need there to be some light at night, okay?”
“So do I. If I don’t have light when I wake up, I forget where I am. I get confused and think maybe I’m back in prison.”
I smiled sadly. “Another thing we have in common.”
“Yeah.” He walked over to the bed and turned off his bedside lamp. “What are you reading?”
“I’m playing a game.” I flashed him the screen of my iPad. “My therapist suggested it. There’s all this new research that shows that playing games likeTetrisorCandy Crushhelps the brain process stressful events better.”
“That’s interesting.” He slipped into bed next to me, and I held still, fighting that magnetic pull of his body heat. “Do you see your therapist often?”
“Once a month.” I frowned. “But I suppose I’ll be seeing her more often now.”
“I’ll drive you.”
His offer startled me, and I glanced at him with surprise. “Why?”
“You know why.” He moved slowly, giving me a chance to reject his advancing hand. When he gently grasped my hand and lifted it, I held my breath. He tenderly kissed the back of my hand and then dotted soft kisses atop each knuckle. “I’m in this for the long haul, Nisha.”
“Why?” I asked again, unable to fathom why any man would want to buy into my fucked-up life. Those old feelings of unworthiness filtered to the surface. “Ten, you don’t have to do anything else for me. Please don’t feel obligated just because—.”
He swooped in for a kiss before I could finish my thought. His mouth eased over mine, slow and seeking, and I surrendered to the incredible feelings he evoked. I dropped my iPad and clutched at his bare shoulder. The feel of his hot skin under mine ignited something wild within me.
Wanting more than the chaste kiss he offered, I daringly flicked my tongue against his lower lip. He groaned, and the rough sound traveled right down to the womanly heat of me. I flicked again, and he took control, cupping my face and stabbing his tongue against mine in the wickedest way. I whimpered and grasped at him, desperate for something to hold onto as he rocked my world with his talented mouth.
“Does this feel like an obligation?” he asked huskily.
“No.” It was wild and dark and exciting and all the things I had craved from him. “I want you so much, Anton.”
“Say it again.” His voice had gone so rough and low.