Page 21 of Ten

Supervised living with Ivan and Erin.

Gainful employment.

Obtaining a home.

Getting his driver’s license back.

Attending anger management courses.

Staying out of trouble and away from other felons and ex-cons.

“I will not let you get into trouble for me,” Nisha stated resolutely. “I am a big girl, and I can handle myself. I appreciate everything you’ve done and offered to do for me, but I’m drawing the line at you getting picked up for a parole violation.”

“You really think I’m going to let you deal with this all alone?”

“Let me?” She shot to her feet, and he realized too late he had made a mistake. “No manlet’s medo anything. I am a grown woman, and I make my own choices. Do not think that just because I’m half in love with you that you can ever tell me what to do.”

Her heavy breathing and that finger stabbing the air did crazy things to him. He seized on her last sentence and asked, “Only half?”

She gulped and suddenly seemed very interested in his bookshelf. “Love was the wrong word.”

“Was it?” He didn’t think so. “We’ve been doing this dance for almost two years, Nisha. I flirt with you. You pretend not to like it. Now, we’re standing here in my living room, and you admit what I already know to be true. I know it’s true because I crossed the halfway line a long time ago.”

Her gaze snapped from the bookshelf to his face. She tilted her head and scrutinized him. “You feel that strongly about me? When we’ve never even been on a date?”

“I tracked you down at a book club to make sure you were safe. I brought you into my house to protect you. I called in the most dangerous man in Houston to sit with you. I’m about to brave a cat with murder mittens for you.” He took one step toward her with each statement. Looking down at her, he said, “I don’t need to take you out for an overpriced steak to know that you make my heart stutter and my brain go stupid and my cock ache.”

“Was that supposed to be romantic?” she asked, her lips twitching with a smile. “Because, if it was, maybe leave the part about your dick out the next time.”

“Noted.” He leaned down and captured her pouty lips in a tender but promising kiss. She gripped his waist, and he tangled his fingers in her tight curls, tilting her head back and her chin up so he could kiss her the way she deserved. Her tongue was shy against his, but he didn’t mind taking it a little slow. There was plenty of time for the heat and passion he craved.

“Ten, what are you doing to me?” she asked in between feverish kisses. “You’re making me break all my rules.”

“Good.” He slid his hand down her spine to cup her incredible ass. He gave it a squeeze and then stabbed his tongue against hers again. She whimpered, and her fingernails dug into his waist. He groaned against her soft lips and rubbed her ass, wondering how long he had until Kostya showed up and ruined everything with his grumpy bullshit.

Nisha’s phone rang again, and he fought the urge to throw it out a window so he could get right back to getting her onto his couch and out of that blouse. Instead, he eased off their kiss and let her answer. He noticed the hazy satisfaction in her dark eyes, and the slick, swollen curve to her lips. He wiped his thumb over his mouth, cleaning off the lipstick that had transferred.

“Hello? Yes, this is Nisha Jackson. Yes, I’m aware of the escape. No, I’m not home. I’m staying with a friend. No, I'd rather not share that information right now. Yes, I understand. Okay. Well, I haven’t spoken to her yet, but I will—.” She stopped as if she had been interrupted. “Yes, I think that’s best. No, I will definitely not be going to work tomorrow, but I think my colleagues would appreciate the extra security. No, I haven’t heard from him.”

Ten met Nisha’s panicked gaze and nodded encouragingly. He assumed she was speaking with the police and agreed with her decision not to tell them about the call just yet.

After she ended the call, Nisha held tightly to her phone. “That was a three-way call with the sheriff and the chief of police. They wanted to offer me extra security and make sure that I was aware of my rights as a victim. They also want me to arrange an interview with my attorney attending.”

“I’m sure it’s nothing serious.” He didn’t want her to worry more than necessary. “They probably want to touch base with you.”

“Probably.” She grimaced. “Why did I lie about the phone call? I should have told them.”

“You can tell them tomorrow. If we’re lucky, Kostya will find Kiki tonight and—”

“And? And what?”

“And I’ll handle the problem.”

They stared at each other for a moment, neither of them clarifying what he meant. She must have understood because, eventually, she nodded and said, “Make it hurt.”

“I will.” That was a promise Ten intended to keep. Knowing Kostya, he would want to get in on the hurt as well. Maybe he’d bring his black bag. God only knew that Kiki deserved to feel real torment.
