Page 50 of Past Due

“If I couldn’t afford the originals, I would definitely buy prints. Especially after this trip,” I added. “These would be unique souvenirs.”

“I wouldn’t make you buy one,” she said, aghast. “You’re family now. I would give it as a gift.”

I shook my head. “I would insist on paying you. Artists should know their worth. When you come visit us in Houston, I’ll make sure to introduce you to Hadley Rivera. She’s a working artist in town. She’s very successful. Oh, and Vivian K. She has her own gallery now. Her husband is one of Besian’s...,” I trailed off, unsure how to describe their relationship. “Colleagues,” I decided finally and handed back her sketches.

“Do you think these might be good enough to get me into a university in Houston?”

“Yes. Without a doubt.” I racked my brain for connections at Rice that might be useful. “When I get home, I’ll dig around in my network and see who I know that can help us.”

“Us?” She looked about ready to cry. “You’re really going to help me?”

“Of course, I am,” I said, taken aback. “Why wouldn’t I help you? You’re talented. You’re ambitious. You have dreams. I’ll do whatever I can to make those dreams a reality.”

Rina crushed me in a hug. “Thank you! Thank you so much, Marley!”

“There’s always a possibility it won’t work out the way we want,” I warned gently as her hair tried to smother me.

“I know, but I believe it will work out.” She let me go and did a giddy little dance. Growing serious, she said, “But we have to keep it a secret until after you’re married and back in Houston. My brother will say I’m conspiring with you to escape the country or something crazy like that.”

Unable to tell if she was exaggerating or serious, I questioned what kind of trouble I had walked into with my promise to help her. Deciding it was worth it, I cast aside any doubts. Rina was a grown woman who had her own mind and could make her own choices for her life.

Her cell phone made a racket in the other room, and she made a face before rushing off to answer it. I picked up the sketches that had fallen from her hands when she hugged me and placed them back on the draft table. I made my way back to her suite and took a seat on a plush pink velvet barrel chair.

While she chatted away on her phone, I took a moment to decompress. Something about Rina’s paintings wouldn’t leave me. Besa made me think of Besian which made me think of engagements which made me think of oaths which made me think of marriage and families. Families like his joined by blood. Families like the one my stepfather had created with his outlaw motorcycle club.

And then it hit me.

I knew exactly what I was going to research for my dissertation.

“Hey!” Rina interrupted my moment of clarity. “Do you want to come out with me tonight? We’re going to dinner and then a club or two or three.” She smiled scandalously. “It will be fun!”

“I don’t have anything to wear,” I demurred.

“Oh, that’s fine! You can borrow something from my closet!”

I tried to protest but she turned back to her conversation. How in the world was I going to get out of this? I wasn’t a club girl. I enjoyed a good drink and music, but the whomp-whomp-whomp of a dance floor gave me a headache.

But she was so excited as she ended her phone call and practically ran to her closet. I couldn’t bear the thought of letting her down, not when she had been so kind and welcoming.

“I think they only problem we’ll have fitting you into one of my dresses are your,” she gestured to her chest, “cica.”

I glanced down at my breasts and frowned. “Yeah. They’re not quite as impressive as yours.”

She scoffed. “They’re perfect!” Mischievously, she added, “I’m sure my uncle agrees.”

I turned bright red, my whole face heating up at the memories of Besian enjoying my breasts. Rina lost it, laughing so hard she nearly doubled over. “He wasn’t kidding! You are modest!”

“It’s a curse,” I muttered, still flushed.

Rina snapped her fingers. “I know the perfect dress!”

When she emerged from her cavernous closet holding a scrap of glittery gold fabric that looked like it might cover a third of my butt and maybe half a nipple, I covered my face and laughed. God help me.