“California?” I guessed.
He seemed surprised. “Yes.”
“Aston strong-armed me into taking an architecture course with her. There was a whole section on California Modernism.” Curious, I asked, “Is this the kind of house style you like?”
He shrugged. “I don’t hate it.”
“It doesn’t feel like home.” He parked in the circular drive and shut off the car. “Do you like it?”
“It’s very nice. Much nicer than where I live now,” I reminded him.
“Where you used to live,” he amended and unsnapped his seat belt. “We’ll get you packed up and moved in with me as soon as we get back.”
“Or you could move in with me,” I suggested, wondering how he would react.
He froze. After a moment, he said, “If that’s what you want.”
I unbuckled my seat belt and leaned across to kiss him. “You would hate it at my place.” I flicked the lapel of his blazer. “There’s only room for maybe three suits in my tiny closet.”
“I draw the line at closet space,” he murmured teasingly and then kissed me back. “Ready to meet my family?”
“Let’s go.”
Before I was even out of the car, a woman rushed out of the house toward us. Tall and sculpted, she had sleek dark hair and looked as if she had just finished an Instagram photo shoot in her pistachio-hued jumpsuit and white sandals. Her gold jewelry gleamed in the warm afternoon sun, and her perfume, something floral and sweet, caught the breeze and swirled around us.
“Daja!” she shouted and embraced Besian who grinned as he caught her.
“Mbesa.” He shifted her back and gave her cheek a pat. Whatever they said next I couldn’t understand, but it seemed loving and kind. He held out his hand to me and switched to English. “This is Marley.”
“Finally!” She stunned me by hugging me tightly. “I’ve heard whispers about the redhead from Houston who stole my uncle’s heart.” She gave me an appraising look. “Zec was right! You are beautiful!”
“Rina!” Besian lightly scolded, and she swatted his arm.
“Tell me I’m wrong!”
“You’re not wrong. She is beautiful, but she’s modest.” He eyed his niece with mock censure. “Unlike some people.”
Rina rolled her dark eyes and tucked her arm through mine. “Come on. I’ll introduce you to my brother and then give you a tour while the men talk about important and very boring things.”
I glanced back at Besian as Rina dragged me along, but he only shrugged and smiled before mouthing, “Good luck.”
I was going to need to it.