Page 11 of Past Due

“You’re not as exposed as I am or the others,” Nikolai growled. “You should be careful. If anyone in the MC knows your business, they’ll flip if they think it will get them out of the pen early.”

“I know,” he replied testily.

“We should meet later.”

“Name the time and place.”

“I’ll reach out when I have one.”


The call ended, and Besian sat on the edge of his bed. He dropped the burner and reached for his personal phone. Before he could even finish a text to Ben, his phone vibrated with a new message.

Just heard the news. Aston is trying to reach Marley. No luck yet.

Besian hesitated before sending a message to Ben telling him to meet at the shop. He didn’t ask about Marley. Hardening his heart, he reminded himself that she wasn’t his problem. He had made a choice, and he had to stick with it.

Yet even as he showered and dressed, he couldn’t stop thinking about her. He didn’t have the faintest idea where she even was. Somewhere in Europe, and frankly, that wasn’t helpful at all. Would she come straight back once Aston contacted her?

Part of him hoped she would stay away. There was nothing she could do to help Spider, and she would be better off and safer with an ocean between her and all of Spider’s legal bullshit.

Of course, the legal side of things was the least of Spider’s worries. Most of the outfits who used the MC factored raids into the cost of doing business, but if Spider had clients who weren’t as flush, well, he might wish he had died in the shootout.

Stop, he silently chided himself. Focus on your men and your business. They’re counting on you.

As he left his penthouse and took the elevator to the garage, he couldn’t shake the feeling that Marley counted on him, too.