Chapter Twenty-Three
Mom, it’s official!
I’m married!
I’m kissing my husband.
And, oh, how good those kisses were.
Besian pinned me against the door to our suite and fumbled with the keycard to our room. We broke apart, laughing and panting as it became clear he couldn’t unlock the door and kiss at the same time.
As soon as the door was open, he scooped me up without warning, and I yelped with surprise. He carried me into the suite and kicked the door shut behind him. Giggling, I claimed his lipstick-stained mouth with more of my insistent kisses. He groaned in response, and I ran my fingers through his hair, making a mess of it as I clutched at him.
“Marley.” He desperately breathed my name and unexpectedly sat me down on the edge of the small dining table in suite. Panting, I leaned back on my good hand and watched him peel out of his jacket and jerk his tie free. He tossed them both to the ground before slotting himself between my knees and cupping the back of my head.
I whimpered as he devoured me with passionate kisses. All the pent-up sexual tension of the day had finally exploded between us. Ever since he found me at the bus stop, we had been flirting with danger. Our lovemaking had been intense and so satisfying, but we hadn’t gone all the way yet. Neither of us had decided there were limits, at least not out loud. It seemed as if we had both settled on denying ourselves the one thing we really truly wanted until we were married.
Besian dropped down to his knees and grabbed the skirt of my wedding dress. He roughly yanked it up toward my waist, and I gasped as he buried his face between my bare thighs. He ran his mouth over the silky blue fabric of the barely there panties I had worn, teasing me with a promise of what was to come.
He didn’t even bother taking them off of me. He pulled the fabric aside and latched onto my clitoris, fluttering his tongue over it and groaning as if he had been waiting for this moment all day. I cried out and fell back on the table as he did wicked, wicked things with his tongue.
Vaguely, I was aware of the bottle of chilled champagne sitting in the silver bucket next to my head. Farther down the table, there were covered trays of exquisite little desserts, juicy fruit and flavorful cheeses. The hotel staff had dropped silk rose petals everywhere and left flameless candles flickering around the suite.
The romantic ambience was nice, but it was nothing compared to Besian driving me closer and closer to a climax with his talented tongue. It took hardly any time at all for me to cry out his name and shudder with ecstasy. He kissed my inner thighs and pushed my dress even higher up, baring my belly and kissing there, too.
I was still shaking and panting from my orgasm when he swept me off the table and strode toward the bedroom. He set me down on my feet, and I suddenly noticed I had lost my shoes somewhere between the front door and here.
“Turn around,” he ordered roughly.
Gulping, I did as he commanded. He started working on the shiny pearl buttons running down the back of the dress. I quickly removed my earrings and the necklace, not wanting either to get tangled in my hair or damaged. He finally managed to get the dress open and tugged it up and over my head. He cast it toward the chair in the corner of the room and took the jewelry from my hand, placing it on the nearest flat surface.
He stalked toward me like a hunter, his dark, desirous gaze burning right through me. Clad in only my skimpy panties and strapless bra, I attacked him with the same fervor he had shown me. I made quick work of removing his cufflinks and shirt before moving to his pants. In no time at all, he was stripped naked.
Craving the taste and feel of him in my mouth, I sank to my knees and reached for his hip. He breathed heavily and gazed down at me with such love and adoration as I nuzzled his cock. He was rock hard in my hand, and I flicked my tongue over the head of his shaft. He swore in Albanian and wound his fingers in my hair.
I swallowed the length of him in one go. His cock bumped the back of my throat, and the illicit thrill made my clit throb and my pussy clench with need. My uninjured hand moved up and down his shaft, stroking in time with my greedy mouth. He said my name over and over and gasped as I sucked him harder and deeper.
When I couldn’t wait a minute longer, I sat back on my heels and gazed up at him. Feeling brazen and brave, I said, “I want to ride you.”
“Fuck, yes.” His gaze turned even darker and more intense as he helped me stand. Our mouths met in a feverish kiss as he walked us back toward the bed, not stopping until his legs touched the mattress. He sat, and I peeled out of my bra and panties before opening the bedside drawer where he had stashed the obnoxiously large box of condoms Zec had bought as a joke.
I handed one to him and climbed onto the bed. As he rolled it on, I asked, “Is there a way that’s more comfortable for you?”
“Marley, you could ask me to lay down on broken glass right now, and I would do it.”
“I’m serious.” He reached for me, the muscles in his arms flexing as he dragged on top of him. One of his hands stayed on my bottom. The other moved to my neck and then my jaw. His thumb traced my lower lip. “You do what’s comfortable for you. Do what feels good.”
“What about you?”
“Marley, everything you do to me feels good.” He grasped my ass with both hands and pulled me even higher, not stopping until his cock slipped between my thighs. Holding my gaze, he moved his hands to my waist. “Go on, baby. Ride me.”
My insides trembled wildly. I reached down and clasped the base of his cock, drawing the thick crown between my labia. Leaning forward just a bit, I lined up our bodies and slowly pressed down on him. It felt a bit strange at first to have something that big sliding inside me. I wiggled my hips a little and found an angle that felt really good. Holding right there, I pressed down and took the entire length of him into me.