Taken aback, he said, “Your mother was the abuser?”
“It happens more than you think,” Marley said matter-of-factly. “Not as often as male-on-female abuse, obviously, but it happens.”
“Did she ever hit you?”
“No. Only Spider.”
“Marley, we might argue, but I swear to you, I will never be violent toward you. Ever,” he emphasized. “I won’t throw things. I won't hit you or abuse you.”
“Good,” she said, stroking the back of his neck, “because if you do, I’m out. I’m not living that way.”
“No one should.” His heart hurt at the image of a little Marley cowering in her room, terrified by the angry sounds of her parents fighting.. “I’m sorry you had to deal with that.”
She shrugged. “Thankfully, Rice has a really good student counseling program. You can’t believe the relief I felt talking about it with someone else.”
“You can always talk to me. I might not have the answers you need, but I’ll listen.”
“The same goes for you, B. Even if I can’t help you, even if it’s something dangerous and dark and illegal, you can tell me. I’ll listen. I’ll keep your counsel. Your secrets,” she whispered and kiss him, as if sealing a vow.
“But no secrets from each other,” he reminded her.
“Never,” she promised and melted into his embrace.
As he held her close, he felt his burdens lighten. They were surrounded by danger and uncertainty, but together, they were stronger. No matter what the next few days and weeks brought, he would face it without fear. Marley’s love emboldened him, and there was nothing he couldn’t conquer with her by his side.