Page 22 of Past Due

Andres frowned. “Who is Spider? And Besian?”

“Spider is my stepdad. He’s an ex-felon in a motorcycle gang.”

“Like Sons of Anarchy?” he asked, seemingly torn between fascination and fear.

“Exactly like that and Besian is an Albanian loan shark who owns a strip club empire back in Houston,” I said, poking him in the chest to make my point. “You do anything weird or creepy, and you’re going to have some problems.”

“Understood,” Andres assured me. He tilted his head and smiled. “You’re full of surprises Marley.”

“You have no idea,” I muttered, falling into step next to him when he gestured toward the restaurant’s exit.

“So, this Albanian loan shark,” he said as we climbed the stairs, “is he your boyfriend?”

I snorted. “It’s complicated.”

Andres laughed. “Isn’t it always?”

“That’s been my experience, at least.”

By the time we reached his hotel room, I was so tired. True to his word, Andres made a pallet on the floor while I used the bathroom. I toed off my shoes but left everything else on before climbing into bed.

“Are you planning to take the ferry in the morning?” Andres asked from his pallet.

“Yes. Are you?”

He nodded. “Do you want to share our taxi?”

“If it’s not a problem?”

“No problem. I’ll set an alarm so you have enough time to return to your hotel for your luggage.”

“Thank you.” Yawning, I reached over to turn off the bedside lamp, but Andres stopped me.

“Do you mind leaving it on?” He seemed embarrassed as he explained, “I don’t sleep well in the dark.”

“Oh. Okay. No, that’s fine. It won’t bother me at all.” As drowsy as I was from all that rakia, the literal sun could be four inches from my face, and I wouldn’t notice. Sliding down under the covers, I yawned again. “Night, Andres.”

“Good night, Marley.”