Page 32 of The Debt

“I’m not playing this fucking game tonight. I mean it, Grandpa.”

“Such disrespect. Not even a ‘Good evening,Dedushka, how are you doing?’” He clicked his tongue. “Your grandmother worked hard on this dinner. You will not insult her by leaving.”

“Don’t try to bullshit me by playing the guilt card. I’m waiting for an answer.”

Elizabeth emerged from the kitchen. She smiled at Tatiana and kissed her on the cheek. “Darling, please sit. The borscht will get cold.”

“Is he coming?” Tatiana’s fingers dug into the doorframe. “Because if he is, I am definitely leaving.”

Gregor’s silence was all the answer she needed. Her face twisted angrily. “Unbelievable.” She turned to leave. “I run a Fortune 500 company. Neither of which is some bargaining chip for your business deals.”

“Tatiana Anastasia Polov.” Her grandfather’s voice cracked like a whip. “Sit down.”

Tatiana’s heels clicked against the marble as she crossed to her usual seat. The heavy chair scraped back with more force than necessary. She smoothed her skirt as she sat down. Her jaw was tight, with the anger simmering underneath the surface.

“I’ll stay for Grandma’s sake, but my answer remains no.”

Elizabeth tsked as she gestured at Gregor to fill Tatiana’s wine glass. “You work too hard, darling girl, and you’re getting too thin.”

Gregor cleared his throat. “Barto is a good match. His connections would strengthen both families.”

“Maybe you need strengthening, but I sure as hell don’t.” Tatiana glared at Gregor. “My company posts record profits every quarter.”

“A woman needs protection in our world,” Gregor kept pushing.

“It’s 2025,Dedushka. I have security, lawyers, and enough influence to protect myself.”

Gregor shook his head, realizing he was fighting a losing battle. He looked at her with unchecked anger as he slammed his fist on the table. Crystal glasses rattled, sending ripples through the blood-red wine. His face flushed dark with rage.

“You have destroyed decades of alliances with your stubborn, childish behavior.”

“What are you talking about?” Tatiana’s spine stiffened at the sudden violence in his voice.

“You’re off the hook. Petrov had enough of begging for your hand. He withdrew his offer.” Each word dripped with venom. “Now, he’s aligned with Viktor Dragovich’s group. His precious daughter, who isn’t even thirty yet, is more sensible than you and understands her duty to family. Now, they’ll control the southern routes by summer, and we’ll be left with nothing.”

The burden that had pressed on Tatiana’s chest for months lifted. She fought to suppress the relief threatening to show on her face.

“He withdrew?”

“Don’t you dare smile.” Gregor’s hand shook as he poured himself a stiff vodka and spilled drops on the pristine tablecloth in the process. “You cost us millions. Dragovich and Petrov will dominate the market now, and I will be out of millions of dollars. All because you couldn’t do one simple thing.”

“You already have more money than you can spend in your entire lifetime,Dedushka.”

“Money is power!” The crystal decanter slammed down.

Elizabeth flinched at her husband’s bellow echoing through the room. She remained silent, clutching her pearl necklace as he continued to rage.

“Without power, we are nothing. We become prey.”

The doorbell’s chime cut through the tension like a knife. Tatiana’s eyes narrowed.

“If not Petrov, then who is at the door?” Tatiana’s stomach churned as suspicion crept in.

“Someone who had better be able to offer the family as much, if not more, than Petrov.” Gregor’s eyes glittered with cold satisfaction. “Leo, show him in.”

“I can’t believe you’re doing this.” Tatiana pushed back her chair. “Already lining up another old fart and expecting me to—” She dragged in a deep breath. “I told you I’m in love with—”

“Sit. Down.” His voice could freeze hell. “This is your own to do, Tatiana. It had better be worth it.”