“Hmm, since I didn’t plan for this, I don’t have my toy bag with me, so we’ll have to improvise.”
“Improvise what? We don’t need any toys, Master Slayer. You’ve got hands, fingers, and a very large tool to play with. Fucking only requires two things. A hole and a pole... so what are you waiting for?”
Zafira smiled impishly as Bogdan burst out laughing. He laughed from deep within his soul, as if he had finally lost all darkness inside him. It was the most beautiful sound ever.
“That’s what I love about you, subbie. You can make me laugh.” His continued chuckle chased after him as he opened the door and unconcerned with his state of undress, headed toward the galley at the front of the plane. Zafira scrambled up and quickly slammed the door shut. He might parade his big dick covered in only a tight pair of boxers, but she’d be damned if anyone would see her spread open like a ripe fig!
Chapter Twelve
“Ready to play, subbie?” Bogdan said as he returned soon after. He smirked as he gestured at her legs. “Hook your arms through your legs and pull your knees up to your ears. I want that ass of yours lifted high.”
“Ehm... it doesn’t sound like a very comfortable position, Master Slayer.”
“Do as you’re told, subbie. I have no compunction about punishing you before offering pleasure. It’s up to you how we continue.”
“I thought a scene was supposed to be a mutual agreement,” she mumbled as she gingerly pulled herself into the instructed position.
“You gave me your agreement to give your body what it needs the night at the club, Zafira. Remember? Unconditional submission was the terminology we agreed upon.”
“For that night, yes!”
“Oh, no, I told you in the dungeon that you’re mine now, and that means unconditionally mine.”
“What the hell is that?” Zafira’s eyes homed in on the root he held in his hand.
“Come now. You love cooking. Don’t pretend you don’t know what this is.” The amused grin was back on his face as he sat down beside her. Spreading her ass cheeks wide, he spread some olive oil on her rosette.
“Master Slayer, ginger is in no way or form appropriate for what you’re doing.” Her attempt to jerk away was fruitless as he prodded the tiny hole.
“I’m sure you’ve heard of the terminology figging before,” he said colloquially.
“Blyad’! There is no way you are shoving that up my ass!”
“No? Then I suppose we’ll agree to disagree,” he said with a wide grin.
Zafira glared at him. He was having too much fun at her expense.
“You have no need to worry about discomfort. See?” Bogdan held up the ginger root. It was narrow on one side with a slightly wider base where he had tied a white string. “Almost like a butt plug.”
“I hate butt plugs,” she protested as he carefully pushed it into her asshole.
“There,” he said as he checked to ensure it was deep enough with the string hanging out for ease of removal later. “I assume you have never been figged before.”
“I sure as hell haven’t.”
“Ah, then it’s a cherry-popping moment, so to speak.”
“If you mention another kind of fruit or vegetable, I’m going to kick you in the head, Master Slayer,” Zafira threatened as she loosened her hold on her legs.
“No, keep them there. I want full access to every part of your body as well as seeing your expression.”
“I’m still waiting for the fun part... my fun part since this seems to be all aimed at your pleasure, not mine,” she muttered incoherently.
“Patience, subbie.” Brushing his hands down her tight flanks, he leaned forward and placed a lingering kiss right on her clit. Her loins flushed her pussy with liquid heat, which, in turn, set her clit throbbing wildly. “The ginger root will warm your rectum, so you experience a subtle burning sensation. However, I suggest that you don’t clench your ass muscles.”
“Why not?”
“The burning becomes hot. Very, very hot. That’s the downside, but the upside is that it increases stimulation, resulting in hard and continuous climaxes.”