Page 40 of Zafira

“Put that phone down. We need to go before that asshole you’re working with does something stupid and eliminates the only advantage we have over that bitch.” Zafira flinched as Triska’s words echoed through the cab of the van, which Vadim had just brought to a stop around the corner from Kramár's Villa.

“I’m warning you, Marek, if Luciano Maranzano hurts one hair on my daughter’s head, you won’t see the sun rising in the morning.”

“Your daughter is alive, that’s all I can say, and if you wish her to remain as such, you will refrain from making any further insults or threats. You forget who and what I am, Zafira Guzun.”

“Do I? Quite frankly, Marek Cermak, I don’t believe I even know who you are.”

“What you need to realize is that I am a very powerful man, Comare. Not only here in the Chez Republic but all across the EU. As soon as I am elected as the president, my reach will increase tenfold. Then I will be untouchable. I suggest you sit back and relax. The election is two weeks away. Do exactly as I say, and your little Vanya will come out of this rosy-eyed and bushy-tailed. If not... well, you do know Maranzano hates every one of you now...”

“What do you mean, do as you say? What the fuck do you want from me, Marek?”

“All in due time, my dear. For now, I believe I have an appointment with your arch-enemy. Laters, Ms. Guzun,” he said in a sardonic chuckle before ending the call.

“Our respective teams are ready to track whatever vehicles leave the compound via three different satellites and two overhead drones,” Arian said to assure Zafira they wouldn’t lose sight of the Cermaks.

“I’ll stay out of sight, but we will know exactly where they go,” Vadim interjected. “At least we know they’re on their way to meet that useless Sicilian.”

“Finally, we’ll have that motherfucker.” Andrei’s voice was ominous as he looked at Arian. “This time, you won’t stop me. Maranzano touched Vanya for the last time.”

“You’ll have to get in line.” Arian’s voice sounded dark and evil in the narrow confines of the van. “It’s because of my judgment error that he once again terrorized my sister. I will be the one to end his miserable life.”

Two miles outside of Chýne, Prague-West District, Central Bohemian Region of the Czech Republic...

“You’re fucked, you know.” Vanya had been mocking Luciano non-stop from the moment they had arrived at the remote farmhouse just outside of Prague. It was a wonder he hadn’t backhanded her yet. She snorted at the thought. Even if he had wanted to, he wouldn’t be able to since he had locked her in a cage. Stupid asshole. “I might be the one locked inside this cage, but you’re the beast trapped within the steel bars of your past. I always thought you were clever, but it seems I was mistaken.”

“Keep your fucking trap shut. I’m tired of listening to your teeming voice all day long.”

“Come now, darling, isn’t that why I’m here? To keep you entertained since you’re too stupid to unchain yourself from the past?” She stretched out her long legs, as if she was sitting on a chaise lounge next to a swimming pool in the Caribbean. “One would think you’ve learned your lesson by now.” She chuckled. “Can you imagine what Andrei has in store for you? Tsk-tsk, Luciano, you really didn’t think this through, did you? I mean, he cut off your already teeny weeny dick for your measly attempt to rape me. Can you imagine what he’s going to do now that you took me and his unborn children from him? Ahh, I can’t wait. It’s going to be better than the goriest horror movie I’ve ever watched!”

“Quindi aiutami Dio, if you don’t fucking shut up, I’m going to sew your lips together.”

“Well, you can try, but I promise you, that needle is going to end up so far up your ass, it’s going to feel like you’ve swallowed a toothpick that got stuck sideways in your throat.”

Vanya was sick and tired of the horrid conditions of the barn. She had no idea where they were since Luciano had spiked the water he had forced her to drink when she came to. She also had no idea how long she had been unconscious, so she couldn’t even try to ascertain her location. Her worst fear when she had woken up was that whatever he had given her had hurt her babies, but that threat was soon laid to rest. The twins had started moving and were very active, most probably more so since she didn’t move around and felt every little ripple they caused. It was hot and humid, and she reeked of sweat. The t-shirt and jeans stuck to her body. If not for the once-feared Mafia mobster leering at her all the time, she would be tempted to take them off.

“For a woman in your position, you have a lot to say. I’ve got news for you, slut. No one knows where you are, and we made sure this place is secure. They’ll never find you. I was careful to avoid every public camera out there. Yeah, I know all your Guzun tricks. Hacking into the satellite feeds and the GeoEye system. Well, none of that’s gonna work.”

Vanya startled as he slammed a hand against the cage, rattling it wildly.

“You’re mine now, bitch.” His eyes glimmered like a psycho about to commit murder. “You and those brats you’re carrying. Yes.” He laughed at her expression. “Once they’re born, you will have served your purpose. Then I’ll post your corpse back to your dear husband, but those babies... they’ll be mine. I’m the one they’ll call Papa, and I’ll be the one kissing them goodnight before bed. Ah, such pleasure vengeance brings, don’t you agree?”

“You’re not just an idiot. You are completely demented.” Vanya did her best not to show the fear his words awakened inside her. If what he said was true and he kept her locked in here for the next four months, no one would be able to find her.

“No, my dear little bitch, I am finally going to get what I’ve been dreaming about all my life. To have the money, the power, and the family I wanted. With the backing I’ll have going forward, nothing and no one will stand in my way. I’m going to rule the world.”

“Dream on, fuckface,” she snickered as she leaned her head back against the steel bars. It was uncomfortable, to say the least. The solid steel slave cage was high enough for her to sit up but too short for her to lie down and straighten her legs. Still, she refused to show Luciano the effect his words had on her. “If you think I’m going to sit around and wait for someone to come and save me, you don’t know me very well.”

Luciano burst out laughing. “Now, who’s dreaming? I’m never unlocking that cage, bitch. Even the doctor coming to examine you will do so through the bars. The only time it’ll be unlocked is the moment those brats are ready to pop out and only to allow you to lie down to give birth.” He smirked evilly. “Half in and half out of the cage is as far as you’ll go. As soon as they’re out, you’ll be locked up again.”

“You better hope you didn’t leave any crumbs out there, Maranzano, because if you did, my family will find it.”

“I suggest you start showing me respect, or I’ll be forced to deny you the luxury of the amenities you currently have. If not for the stench I would have to endure, I would enjoy you being covered in your own piss and shit.”

Vanya didn’t respond but flinched within herself at the appalling vision his words painted. Maranzano was teetering on the brink of total psychosis. If she wasn’t terrified for the lives of her babies, she would push him over, but since she had no idea how he would react, she had to curb the instinct to keep taunting him.

“Be my guest. I don’t give a shit one way or the other.” Ignoring him, she tilted her head back and closed her eyes. “They... who are they?”

“What are you blabbering about now?” Maranzano eyed her through narrowed lids.