Page 38 of Zafira

“No, Zafira,” Bogdan said gently. “Maranzano’s gripe is with Andrei and what he did to him a year ago. It’s him he wants to punish. That the rest of us suffer alongside him is a bonus in his warped mind.”

“That might be, but my gut instinct tells me someone else is behind this. You forget I’ve been the target all along. The assassinations have all been aimed at me. Maranzano might want vengeance on Vanya and Andrei, but there’s something else afoot. I just don’t know what.” A frown creased her brow. “You never got around telling me why we had to leave Czechia so quickly.”

“Triska and Marek Cermak aren’t who they seem, Zafira. Vanya came across content on the dark web that alluded to an association between them, Seymon Mochilevich, and Artem Melnyk.”

Zafira turned rigid. “What do you mean by alluding to an association? What kind of connection did you find, Bogdan?”

“It involves a coup d’etat of the Novaya Volna Group, more specifically eliminating their leader, the Shadow Don, aka... you, Zafira.”

“Are you saying that they want to become involved with the Bratva’s New Order? That they’re aware of my family running the Guzun Bratva Group?”

“Indeed, they are.”

“How? No one knows—not even Seymon or Artem. Guzun is such a common name in the EU, which is why no one ever questioned or suspected us.”

“Because you are such successful business entrepreneurs and support the poor in the community. You’ve covered all the tracks that could lead to suspicion, but somehow, the Cermaks found a loophole.”

“I still don’t understand. Marek is the First Vice President of the Czech Republic. He stands the chance of becoming the next president, so why compromise the career he has built all his life? He turned to politics soon after their daughter Azja was born. You have to be mistaken, Bogdan. He doesn’t have a corrupt bone in his body.”

“Most people will say the same about you and your family, Zafira. He knows you managed to live a double life. Maybe that’s the kind of untapped control he’s after as well.”

Zafira got up. “If what you say is true, it means he’s working with Maranzano, and Vanya was taken to draw me out.” Her eyes flashed dangerously. “No matter their age, only a coward uses children in their quest for power. So, since I’m such an accommodating woman, let’s give him what he wants, Bogdan—me in exchange for Vanya.”

“Zafira, let’s not act in haste. I’m speculating at best and—”

“Show me.”

Bogdan knew it would be best to arm her with as much knowledge as possible, so it was amusing to listen to his muttering of “hardheaded woman” while he logged into his network using her laptop.

With growing trepidation, she quickly scanned and read the various folders Vanya had compiled.

“This is beyond speculation, Bogdan. This is proof that Marek Cermak has been involved and pocketing gains from the Solntvesoka Bratva for over twenty years. In fact, reading between the lines, I’d say he’s the one in charge and not Artem Melnyk.”

“Exactly the conclusion Vanya and I made.”

“You should’ve told me this sooner. Now, we’re fighting from the back foot!”

“We began this fight trailing behind since their onslaught against us began, Zafira. Only it took us this long to realize it. We’ve been fighting the most obvious enemy while the unknown was hiding in clear sight behind a trusted fealty of yours.”

“I find it hard to believe that he would go to such lengths purely for power, Bogdan. No,” she tapped a nail against her teeth as she pondered the situation. “There’s more to this than meets the eye.”

“Maybe, but never discount how being invisible adds to the lure of a criminal. You should know that feeling better than anyone.”

“You were always against what I was doing with the Novaya Volna Group. I never understood why. You’re the only one who knows the real reason why I began the New Order Bratva movement.”

“To honor your father and revive his legacy that Viktor had tainted in his final years. Yes, I know, but in the process, you placed a big, red target on your back, Zafira. More so... you put all your children’s lives at risk.”

Zafira turned pale. She couldn’t dispute what he said, but she refused to acknowledge the truth of it. The decision to form a coalition with Bratva groups eager for change and a modern outlook to evolving criminal enterprises was the right one. She had come too far and given up too much to walk away from it now. The end was in sight. The New Bratva Order of Novaya Volna would rule over all... with her as their Shadow Don.

No one was going to stand in her way. Not Marek Cermak, Bogdan Rusu, or even... her own children.

Resolutely squaring her shoulders, she chose not to debate the issue further and said in a clipped tone, “You can accompany me or stay, but I’m going to the Chez Republic, Rusu.”

“Very well, but heed my warning, Zafira. Maranzano doesn’t yield to any man. In his eyes, he has all the power. He’s not going to give up his revenge on an order from Cermak, of that I have no doubt.”

“I’ll take care of Cermak, so I guess it’ll be up to you to make sure my daughter and our grandchildren don’t get hurt in the process.” Tossing her head in defiance as he opened his mouth to protest, she walked toward the stairs. “Enough. Get ahold of Arian and Andrei and update them. I prefer they all accompany us. We’ve always had more strength as one family unit. I want to be on the way within the hour.”

“We’re in the air, so where exactly are we going, Zafira? It serves no purpose to arrive at Cermak’s house without a well-thought-out plan. All we’ll achieve is endangering Vanya’s life.” Bogdan refused to cower in the face of Zafira’s glare.