“It’s a factor that drives the hatred inside me, yes, but it’s only a side avenue to the main road. I will achieve what I set out to do my entire life—be the global criminal ruler, and no one is going to stand in my way. Not any of the Guzuns...” His gaze on the man in front of him turned glacial. “Or you.”
Luciano looked between the two siblings. His eyes flickered briefly as he attempted to marry the redhead with the old cleaner from Estonia. He had to give it to her; the disguise had been top-notch.
“So, my gripe with the Guzuns is well-known. What’s yours? Why is it so important to kill only Zafira Guzun?”
“That woman got everything in life that was meant to be mine, then she had the gall to interfere and forced me to adapt and change the direction I was heading. For that, she started paying her debt with the death of Viktor Guzun. Now that I have the means to rule the way I was meant to, it’s finally her turn.”
“Hold on. You killed Viktor?” Luciano searched his memory. “It’s been said that he was killed by Boris Sidorov.”
“Oh, Boris and I went way back. He was a means to an end, but his greed and lust for Arian’s bitch got in the way. In the end, it was good riddance since it kept my secret secure.”
“What secret?”
“Once you have done what we agreed by ridding the world of every single Guzun, I will tell you, because then, my friend, you and I will have the world in our hands. Together, no one would be able to touch us.”
Luciano’s expression didn’t change. This man might be powerful in his own way, but he held no danger for him. If he believed Luciano had any intention of sharing the top dog position with him, he was sadly mistaken.
For now, it suited his purpose not to say anything.
“So, is there anything worthwhile to drink on this tub?”
“Ah, now you’re talking. Come... I have a fifty-year-old single malt I’ve been saving for a special occasion.”
Chapter Fifteen
Two days later, Ferma La Guzun...
“Goodness gracious,” Zafira rolled her eyes in a show of dramatization. “You again. Didn’t you just leave last night? How many times do I need to tell you kids that I can take care of myself?” Tapping her foot, she opened the door wider to let her brood inside. She glowered at the tall man walking up behind her. “Not that I need to since Goliath has taken it upon himself to move into my house.”
“Count yourself lucky, Ms. Guzun,” Bogdan growled. “I haven’t moved into your room yet. At least you have some modicum of privacy.”
Zafira hated the excited thrill that raced down her spine at his words. Having him in her room, in the same bed every night, would be a dream come true. Except she wasn’t about to admit as much to the dratted man. He was suddenly too full of himself. Since he had exerted his dominance over her as a submissive at the club and on the plane, she was helpless against his power when he turned all Dom on her.
Blyad’! My panties will slither down my legs without me taking them off. That was what those dark eyes and deep growl did to her.
“So, what’s so important that all of you invade my home just before lunch?” One eyebrow crawled higher. “Or did we have an appointment I forgot about in my senile state?”
“Stop playing the martyr, Mom. Everyone is here at my request.” Vanya all but rubbed her hands with glee as she looked around the room. Vadim sat in an oversized wingback chair with Sabira perched on the arm. His one hand circled her waist lovingly. Arian had arrived alone since he and Izolda had yet to see each other again since she had left him. He was more hardheaded in his old age than Zafira herself. The Matriarch settled in a deep bucket chair with Bogdan standing behind her, his arms crossed over his huge chest. He truly portrayed a veritable Goliath hovering over his prey.
Vanya took Andrei’s hand and sat down on the sofa. Her eyes glimmered with happiness. “I went for a 4D scan this morning.”
“Why didn’t you tell me? I would’ve gone with,” Andrei protested. One hand came to rest on her swollen belly. “Since the smile threatens to wrap around your face, I know it can’t be bad news, but c’mon, love, I’m dying here. What’s going on?”
Vanya dug the scan images out of her handbag and handed them to Andrei. “Do you see it?”
Andrei stared at the pictures, at first confused, then his eyes widened.
“Blyad’... is that?” He looked at Vanya. “Are you saying... Isus Hristos, Vanya. Are we having twins?”
“Yes! See! There and there, two little heartbeats.” She pointed to the dots on the photos.
“How did they not notice it before?”
“Oh, the doctor had a long medical explanation, but I was too excited and didn’t pay attention.”
“I’m confused. Twins are usually hereditary from the mother’s side. You don’t have twins in your family.” Andrei looked at Zafira. “Do you?”
“I actually—”