Page 20 of Zafira

The hefty man’s cheeks turned a shade darker under Bogdan’s direct stare. “Yes, that was a rather unfortunate incident. Too much force was used, but I assure you, I’ve already put corrective measures in place.”

“Too much force? What about the innocent women and children who were killed in the shooting, Prime Minister? A shooting that was in no way justified since no guest present at the restaurant carried any weapons.”

“As I said, the matter is being dealt with.”

“Strange that there was even a raid at a private restaurant housing an intimate function that posed no danger to anyone, isn’t it?”

“Enough, Bogdan. You are souring my visit with my friends,” Zafira interjected when she noticed Marek shifting uncomfortably. “Besides, Marek’s doing all that needs to be done to correct the matter.”

“Ah, so I imagine everyone who was arrested has been released,” Bogdan said with a wide smile. “Imagine what it would do to you running for the presidency if it came to light that people were incarcerated on the back of an illegal raid.” Bogdan demonstrated a downhill slide. “Just like that, your dreams go down the drain.”

Bogdan shrugged off Zafira’s frown that threatened castration with a blunt knife.

“No need to give me that look, Ms. Guzun. I only speak the truth.”

“Is that true?” Zafira looked at Marek. “Has everyone been released? I remember reading that Artem Melnyk was also arrested that night on suspicion of being involved with the Solntvesoka Bratva. I’ve known the man for years and never once suspected him of being capable of the cruel acts he’s being accused of.”

“I wish it was that easy. Unfortunately, since the law has found just cause to interrogate him, Artem Melnyk won’t be released until a full investigation has been completed.” Marek lit a cigar and dragged the smoke deep into his lungs. “Ultimately, we need to look out for the safety of our people. If Artem Melnyk is who Interpol believes him to be, it’s for the best he remains under lock and key.”

“Oh, I couldn’t agree more,” Zafira looked around. “Where’s Triska? I hope we didn’t arrive at an inconvenient time. I have a business meeting tomorrow, so I thought to pop in and say hi first.”

“You know you’re always welcome, Zafira. Besides, our friends’ anniversary is coming up.” Marek smiled broadly. “Remember? Vanya and Azja’s birthdays are next month. Thirty-four years. Good Lord, suddenly I feel so old!”

“I can’t believe it’s been that long. It’s rare to find friendships that last. At first, I had thought we’d be like ships sailing past at sea, but over time, we’ve just grown closer.” Zafira laughed as Triska walked into Marek’s study. “There you are. I would’ve been devastated if you weren’t here.”

“I would’ve been, too. It’s been so long since we last had a good visit. Tell me you’re staying over. Yes! You’ll be sleeping in the guest wing and have dinner with us tonight.”

Bogdan didn’t miss the sharp warning glance from Marek, nor did it slip his attention that Triska ignored him and continued to woo Zafira into staying.

“C’mon, Zaffie! Please stay.”

“Actually, I am only here for the day,” Zafira began tentatively.

“I don’t see why not, Ms. Guzun,” Bogdan said, keeping his gaze locked on Marek. “Your meeting is tomorrow, and you have nothing pressing for today, so we can stay one night.”

“I’d appreciate it if you don’t make decisions on my behalf, Bogdan,” Zafira sneered under her breath. “You have no insight into my calendar, and I—”

“Don’t I?” He kept his response clipped but soft so their interlude couldn’t be overheard.

Zafira bore back as she glowered at him. One eyebrow crawled higher as, once again, the beast inside him purred with satisfaction at her reaction. The Matriarch was clearly not happy that he knew so much about her movements.

She was about to be even less happy with him.

“Ms. Guzun will stay for the night but only if I am invited to overnight here as well.” He shrugged. “Can’t let her out of my sight, I’m afraid.”

“Bogdan Rusu!” Zafira stamped her foot in annoyance.

A grin flashed over his face as he glanced down at her. She looked like a little girl playing grown up with her foot tapping on the floor, hands on her hips, and her brows pulled into a straight line. The flash in her eyes caught his mirth, and she licked her lips, a sure sign that she had forgotten what she was about to say. Then her chin tilted back, and she blasted him with a look all the way from Iceland.

“If anyone stays to look over me, it’ll be Antonio. He works for me. You don’t.”

“That is true, but since I gave Antonio the rest of the day off, you’re stuck with me.”

“You gave him the day off? Since when...” Zafira exhaled slowly as she realized how animatedly the two Cermaks were watching their interlude. “We will deal with this later, make no mistake about that, Rusu.” She spun away and smiled at their hosts. “Of course, I’ll stay. Bogdan doesn’t mind sleeping in the car.”

“He sure as hell minds,” Bogdan growled.

“I will never allow a guest to sleep in his car,” Triska protested at the same time.