Page 19 of Zafira

“What the blyad’ is he doing here, Antonio?” Zafira stopped in her tracks as she identified the huge man standing by the black convoy of SUVs waiting for their arrival.

“Fuck if I know, Comare.” Antonio’s voice was stern, but a quick glance his way confirmed the undertone of amusement she detected in his tone.

“Fucked is what you’ll be if I find out you told him of this trip,” she sneered through thin lips as she continued walking. “You, more than anyone, know how delicate this situation is.”

“I didn’t say a word to anyone, Comare, but since he’s been a part of this situation from inception, you know as well as I do that if there’s anyone who would know exactly how delicate this scenario is, it’s him. Perhaps he overheard you discussing using the Guzun’s private plane for this flight with Arian?” Antonio said in a hushed tone as Bogdan Rusu politely opened the door for Zafira, who blatantly ignored him and got into the vehicle with her usual feminine grace.

“I wouldn’t put it past him to listen in on another’s private conversation,” she snapped as Bogdan closed the door and walked around the SUV. His usual stoic expression didn’t convey him having heard what she said. What did surprise her was that Antonio got into the driver’s seat, and the uninvited asshole settled into the seat next to her. “I prefer to have the seat to myself.”

“Tough shit, I’m not moving.” He ignored her indignant gasp at his rude comeback. His gaze remained fixed ahead. “You need added protection since you stubbornly refuse to consider your own safety by coming here after what happened at that restaurant in Bílovec a week ago.”

“If I need anything, Rusu, you can rest assured you’d be the last person on earth I’d ask.”

“Good thing you didn’t have to ask then, isn’t it?”

The words were growled in a low tone... one that reminded her of his Dom voice at the club. Her pussy was still sensitive, reminding her every time she sat down that he had shown her no mercy when he had whipped her. Brutally and systematically breaking down every emotional defense she had raised against him over time.

Her cheeks exploded with color as she recalled how wild she had been. A veritable nymphomaniac who, once having a taste of the dangerous nectar he offered, couldn’t get enough. Even now, angry and indignant that he boldly invaded the secure little world she had created for herself, a seam of unbridled lust opened inside her, setting her loins aflame. She shifted uncomfortably.

“I thought you were going to Russia with Vanya and Andrei. Aren’t you supposedly the DIY king my daughter believes is going to convert the nursery into a little paradise for my grandson?”

“Our grandson.”

“There seems to be many contentions on that matter. How sure are you that Andrei is your son?”

Zafira did her best not to flinch at the deadeye he cast her way.

“I have always trusted Andrei, and he has no reason to lie to me. He sure as hell has nothing to gain.”

“Not even a coveted title of Grand Duke Romanov?”

“I can’t decide whether you’ve become delusional in your old age or only played the role of a fearless Comare all these years or if this heartless, mistrusting, cynical woman is who you have always been, and I was just too smitten to realize it.” He didn’t bother looking at her. “Andrei is the most honest man I have ever met. You know it as well as I do. Besides, with what he inherited from Janos, he doesn’t need anything from me... least of all a stupid, useless title.”

“If you have such a low opinion of me, why are you here?” Zafira had to muster all her inner strength to keep her voice from trembling. In the position she was in, many insults had been flung her way over the years. From this man, they were like an arrow piercing her heart. “Surely, you don’t give a shit whether I live or die?”

His head swung her way in slow motion. The look in his eyes was one she hadn’t seen before, maybe because in the past, as her protector, he had kept it all hidden from her—reproach, disappointment, and most of all, regret.

“If you said those words to me a year ago, I would’ve said, you’re right, I don’t. Now, after finding you at Senza?ii de Club, I believe I’d like to keep you alive a little longer. I’ve got some seriously kink fucking I still want to do with you.”

“Du-te dracu, Bogdan Rusu. Do you hear me? Go to hell! If you think I’ll become your sex slave just because... just because...”

“Just because you begged me to fuck you over and over,” he offered helpfully.

“Fuck off, Rusu. The only reason why that night happened was because I was already vulnerable by the time you arrived. I sure as hell have no interest in becoming your fuck buddy.”

“Oh, I don’t need a fuck buddy, Ms. Guzun. There are many queuing already for that position. What I want is to free the true woman you’ve kept buried under all those layers of coldness and indifference for years. Now that I have tapped into her, I am going to unleash the full force of her need.” His eyes darkened. She quivered as his Dom voice rose from the depths of his being. “No one is going to feed off her desires but me, Zafira. Make no mistake about that. You are mine now, and I don’t share. Best you remember that. As I warned you that night, any man who touches you...” His eyes glowed ominously. “Will die.”

“We have arrived, Comare.” Antonio’s gruff announcement cut short any response Zafira was about to offer—not that she had one ready since his words and the dark warning in his eyes caught her off guard. This was a different Bogdan Rusu. The protector he had been the majority of her adult life was no more. In his place was a devilish beast, stamping his ownership... protecting his prey... his mate.

Zafira didn’t know whether she should be elated or shit scared. Truthfully, she was a little of both.

The home of the Czech Republic’s Prime Minister, Kramár's Villa, Prague...

Marek Cermak welcomed Zafira with obvious happiness and exhilaration.

“Bogdan? I’m surprised to see you here,” Marek said as he shook his hand. He glanced at Zafira. “Or did I misunderstand the last time we spoke? I was under the impression he’s not with the Guzuns anymore?”

“Seems your impression was incorrect, Prime Minister Cermak,” Bogdan growled over the explanation Zafira started to voice. “I am here to ensure Ms. Guzun’s safety, especially after the horrendous way your armed forces broke up a birthday party she was attending in your city not so long ago.”