I stareat the gleaming facade of Le Chateau, the fanciest restaurant in Cooper Hills. The kind of place with a months-long waiting list and a wine menu thicker than most novels.
The kind of place I have no business being, especially after the night I've had.
Every muscle aches as I climb the marble steps, a pleasant soreness that brings heat to my cheeks when I remember how it got there. Marcus's hands, his mouth, the way he took me apart and put me back together...
I shiver despite the warm sun, tugging self-consciously at my outfit.
The only reason I dragged myself here is because I promised Derrick. He sounded so insistent on the phone, I didn't have the heart to bail. I just hope this mystery lunch won't take long. All I want is a hot bath and ten hours of uninterrupted sleep, preferably with Marcus wrapped around me.
When I get inside, the maître d' leads me to a private dining room in the back. I'm surprised to find Derrick already there, looking uncomfortable in a crisp navy suit. He keeps tugging at his collar like it's choking him.
"Hey, kiddo,” he says, rising to give me an awkward hug. "Thanks for coming."
"Of course." I eye him curiously. "What's with the suit? Are you on a date or something?"
Derrick clears his throat, glancing over his shoulder. "Actually, there are some people I want you to meet."
He gestures to a couple seated at the table who I hadn't even noticed. The woman looks to be in her early forties, with salon-perfect hair and a string of pearls at her throat. The man beside her seems a bit older, distinguished with a neat goatee.
They both give me polite smiles that don't quite reach their eyes.
"Jessica, Adam, I'd like you to meet my sister, Lainey. Lainey, this is Adam and Jessica Van Buren."
I paste on a smile, shaking their manicured hands. They radiate the kind of polished wealth that screams "Cooper Hills old money."
"Lovely to meet you, Lainey," Jessica says, her smile not quite reaching her cool blue eyes. "Derrick's told us so much about you and your charming little diner."
Charming little diner.I bristle at the condescension dripping from her tone.
Derrick clears his throat. "Jessica is a member of the Walker family.”
Jessica laughs lightly. "Well, by marriage at least. My stepsister Sophia is Colt Walker's wife."
I nod politely, but I could care less who she’s related to.
The snooty-looking host leads us to our table, and I take my seat gingerly, feeling more out of place by the second. Jessica orders wine for the table, something with a lot of syllables and an even bigger price tag.
The small talk stretches on through the appetizers, I pick at my salad, my stomach twisting with unease. The conversationflows around me, but I can't focus on anything besides the growing knot of dread in my stomach.
Something about this whole situation feels off, staged. Like I'm being set up for something I won't like.
I take a large gulp of the overpriced wine, hoping it will calm my nerves. But it just makes my head swim.
Finally, as our entrees arrive, Adam leans forward and gets to the point.
"So Lainey, Derrick tells us you've been running the diner on your own since your father passed. That must be quite a challenge for someone so young."
I bristle at his patronizing tone. "It's a lot of work, but I'm managing just fine, thanks."
Jessica makes a sympathetic noise. "It must be so difficult, shouldering all that debt on your own."
My head snaps up, but Derrick is suddenly very interested in his steak.
"I'm sure you're doing your best, dear," Jessica continues. "But the fact is, that property is worth far more than a small-town diner can bring in. It has so much untapped potential."
Adam nods. "Potential that we'd like to help you realize, Lainey. We want to make you an offer. Two million for the land and the business, debt included. A chance for a clean slate."
The number kickstarts my heart, but not in a good way.