Page 12 of Made For Ruin

I press my palms against my eyes. “Yeah. But Derrick says things are getting rough in there. You know what they say about Blackwater.”

“I know your brother always has some story about why he needs money,” Ruby cuts in. “And it always sounds shady.”

“That’s not fair.”

“Because it’s true? That’s why he got locked up in the first place.”

“He’s all I have left.” My voice comes out smaller than I mean it to. “I can’t let him down.”

Ruby’s expression softens. “At least don’t go alone. I’d offer, but I’ve got a late appointment with a client.”

I tap my chin thoughtfully. “I could ask Axel.”

Ruby frowns. “Is he even in town. I thought the band had shows in Seattle this week.”

“They got back yesterday. He texted me a photo of his cat.”

Spike scuttles across the back of the couch between us, and I reach out to stroke his scaly head while my mind drifts to Axel.

Axel Ruins is my other best friend and has been the third part of our little trio since sophomore year. Ruby and I used to spend afternoons watching Axel’s band, Highland Rye, practice in his mom’s garage. We’d sprawl on the old couch he kept out there, sharing convenience store slushies and critiquing their covers of classic rock songs.

Back then, he was just Axel – our goofy friend with the beautiful voice who dreamed of playing stadiums.

Then, last year, everything shifted.

After my Dad died, Axel was there for me in a way that he had never been before. He showed up at my door the night of the funeral, his guitar slung over his shoulder. We drove to the lake, where we sat on the hood of his car under a blanket of stars. He played songs I’d never heard before—ones he’d written justfor me—and for the first time since Dad died, I felt like I could breathe.

For a few weeks, we tried to date and see if there could be more between us. But it wasn’t long before I saw photos on social media of Axel making out with a gorgeous redhead after a show.

I realized then that what we had was never going to be more than friendship. He’s a free spirit, always chasing the next high, the next crowd, the next girl.

And I’m… not.

I need stability, someone who’s grounded, someone who’s there for me when it matters. Not just when it’s convenient.

Somehow, we managed to salvage our friendship. These days, he’s back to being just Axel – the guy who still sends me cat photos and crashes on our couch when he’s between tours, who knows all my secrets except how I feel about his dad.

“Axel will help me out. He knows how things are with Derrick.”

Ruby snorts. “Well, just make sure you check his Instagram first. Make sure he’s not busy wooing this week’s future ex-girlfriend.”

I pull out my phone and start typing:Need a favor tomorrow night. Important. You free?

His response comes instantly:For you? Always. What kind of trouble we getting into?

I sink deeper into the couch, some of the tension leaving my shoulders. One problem solved, at least for now.

“Alright,” Ruby says, tossing a throw pillow at me. “Enough about Axel and Derrick. You’ve had a hell of a week. Let’s just chill. Order a pizza, put on Gilmore Girls, and forget about everything for a few hours. What do you say?”

“Pizza and Gilmore Girls?”I giggle. “Now, you’re speaking my love language.”

She grins, already pulling her phone out. “Damn right I am.”

The next eveningfinds me pacing our tiny living room, checking my phone every thirty seconds.

My stomach churns with each step. Ruby’s perched on the kitchen counter, watching me wear a path in our already threadbare carpet while Spike bobs his head from his favorite perch on her shoulder.

“He’s only five minutes late.” Ruby tosses a piece of kale into Spike’s waiting mouth. “You know how Axel is with time.”