“You came ready for war.”
“Of course I did. They took what’s mine.” The words rumble from deep in my chest. My hand cups her cheek, thumb wiping away tears. “Did they hurt you anywhere else?”
She shakes her head, but I feel her swaying against me.
“No. Just the drugs. Everything’s still so fuzzy.”
I sweep her up into my arms before she can finish.
She curls into my chest instantly, like she belongs there. Because she does. Her weight in my arms settles something primal in my chest.
“Let’s get you checked out. The medical team’s waiting outside.”
“Don’t leave.” Her fingers curl into my shirt, voice small and vulnerable in a way that breaks my heart. “Please. I don’t want to be alone.”
“Never.” I tighten my hold on her precious weight. “You’re stuck with me now, sweetheart. For good.”
She presses her face into my neck, her breath warm against my skin. “Promise?”
“I promise.” My lips brush her temple. “You’re mine, Lainey Daniels. Forever.”
Sunlight streamsthrough Marcus’s bedroom window, warming my face as I curl deeper into his ridiculously comfortable bed.
My body aches from yesterday’s ordeal. But it’s not from injury. It’s the kind of soreness that comes from too much adrenaline and tension.
“Morning, gorgeous. You sleep okay?”
Marcus’s deep voice pulls me from my drowsy state. I blink, focusing on his tall frame in the doorway. He’s holding a mug of steaming coffee in one hand and a plate of toast in the other.
“Mmm, yeah. This bed always feels like a cloud.” I stretch, wincing slightly at the lingering stiffness in my muscles.
He approaches, setting the items on the nightstand. “Thought you might be hungry. You up for some breakfast?”
I sit up, running a hand through my tangled hair.
“Marcus, you don’t have to baby me. I should get up and head to the diner. There’s so much to do after?—”
“Nope,” he cuts me off, his amber eyes stern. “You need to rest and let yourself be babied for once. The diner can wait.”
I sigh, torn between appreciating his care and feeling antsy about neglecting my responsibilities. “I’m not used to this, you know. Being taken care of.”
His expression softens.
“I know, sweetheart. But after everything that happened yesterday, you deserve a break. Let me do this for you.”
My heart flutters at the tenderness in his voice. It’s still strange, reconciling this gentle side of Marcus with the gruff, distant man I thought I knew. I reach for the coffee, inhaling its rich aroma.
“Fine,” I concede. “But just for today. Tomorrow, it’s back to reality.”
He chuckles, the sound warming me more than the coffee ever could.
“We’ll see about that. Now, eat your toast before it gets cold. Oh, and Ruby called. She’s on her way up.”
“You didn’t have to tell her where your secret mountain hideout is.” I accept the coffee, breathing in the familiar scent. “She’s never going to leave you alone now.”