“Morning,” she murmurs.
I tuck a stray lock of hair behind her ear, letting my fingers trail down her neck. “Morning, beautiful. How are you feeling?”
“A little sore. But good.” She giggles. “Really good.”
I can’t help the smug grin that tugs at my lips. “Glad to hear it.”
A soft blush colors her cheeks. “Just so you know, this isn’t normal behavior for me.”
“What behavior?”
“Letting a hot mountain man kidnap me and fuck me senseless for twelve hours straight.”
A possessive growl rumbles in my chest as I pull her tighter against me.
“That’s good to hear. Because I’m not going to let anyone else kidnap you. And I’m definitely not letting anyone else fuck you, either. You’re mine now, Lainey. All mine.”
I’m about to pull her in for a deep kiss when a loud banging on the front door makes us both startle.
“Stay here,” I tell Lainey gruffly, swinging my legs out of bed and pulling on a pair of jeans.
Her eyes widen. “What if it’s Axel?”
“It’s not Axel.”
I pad barefoot to the front door.
As expected, I yank it open to find Reign standing there with Lainey’s purse and cell phone in his hand. The ghost of a smile plays on his lips as he takes in my state of undress.
“Morning,” he says. “I brought the items you requested.”
I take the purse and phone from him with a gruff nod of thanks.
“Everything go okay last night after I left?”
Reign chuckles. “You mean after you hauled Lainey off over your shoulder like a damn caveman? Yeah, it was fine. Most people at the club were too preoccupied to notice much. I sent atext to her roommate from her phone, so she won’t be expecting Lainey back anytime soon.”
“And Axel?”
“Wrapped around some blonde all night. Doubt he even realized Lainey was gone.”
“Thanks for handling things.”
“I’ve got your back, brother.” His eyes flit over my shoulder. “Did you find out what the deal was with Lainey and Enzo?”
I nod, glancing back to make sure Lainey’s still in the bedroom.
“Her brother’s got a gambling problem. Owes Enzo a chunk of change. Lainey was there to pay him off.”
“How much we talking?”
“Five grand.”
“Fuck,” Reign hisses. “That’s not chump change. Her brother must be in deep.”
I run a hand through my hair. “Yeah, and I’ve got a feeling it’s not the end of it.”
“So what’s the plan?”