The raw desire in his voice makes my thighs clench together. I’m mortified, and I instinctively try to cover myself up, but all I get is the biting sting of the shackles digging deeper into my wrists.
A low groan rumbles in his throat, and then something snaps inside him. His body comes over me so fast, his thigh wedging between mine to force my legs apart again. One hand presses into the pillow beside my head, the other moving down between us. My wide eyes are fixed on him, too surprised to focus on anything else, so I don’t see what he’s doing.
But I hear the hasty clinks as he undoes his belt, the sharp hiss as his zipper drags down, and then he’s shoving his jeansoff his hips. His impatience shocks me, scares me...turns me on. Again, I admonish myself for my own thoughts. Yet even as I tell myself that I don’t want him, that Ican’twant him, I still feel moisture pooling between my legs.
I feel the blunt head of his cock at my entrance, and my body jerks violently, the chains of my cuffs clattering loudly against the metal bedframe. Somehow, I wasn’t expecting to get to this point so quickly. I thought...
What did I think? That a criminal was going to seduce me first? Kiss me and whisper sweet nothings in my ear? This is not a normal encounter with a normal guy.
“You’re soaked,” he whispers gruffly, rubbing his tip up to my clit and down again. “So fucking wet for me.”
Tears of embarrassment prick the back of my eyes because I don’t want to be this responsive to him. I want to yell at him, tell him to stop. But what if he does? He could pull away the same way he did in the bathroom.
I may not know him well, but the one thing I’ve learned is how he responds to the wordno. And it’s there, hanging on the tip of my tongue, but I can’t bring myself to say it, knowing all this could end as abruptly as it started if I even utter that word.
So, I leave it dangling as he continues to rub himself against me like I’m some kind of sex toy he’s using to whet his appetite. I’m caught between a rock and averyhard place right now. On the one hand, I don’t want him to stop. On the other hand, I don’t want to give him a damn thing. After all the mind games he’s played with me, I want him to yearn for me. I want him to suffer because he wants me so badly, but he can’t have me.
However, that option has been taken out of my hands. I have no say, no control, and that’s driving me crazy. I’m completely at the mercy of someone who could very well be a sociopath. He’s cunning and can manipulate me so easily.
He’s manipulating me right now. The way he’s teasing me is infuriating, dipping in an inch only to withdraw before he touches my sweet spot. I fight with everything in me to remain perfectly still. I want to rock my hips, take him in deeper, but I stay stiff as a board because I don’t want to give him the satisfaction.
“I see what you’re doing,” he says, mischievousness flickering in his eyes. “And we can play this game all night.”
“What game?”
“You’re clinging to any form of control with both hands. It won’t work, not with me.”
My eyes widen slightly. I told him so many details about my ex, how I hate not being in control because it makes me feel vulnerable, and this bastard is using it against me.
“Step out of your comfort zone, Rebel.” He lightly grazes my chin with his teeth. “Just let go...and give yourself to me.”
He shifts his hips, pushing in an inch deeper. I squeeze my eyes tight, closing my throat to stop the moan that’s about to escape. I hate...No, Iloathethat he knows all my secrets. He knows my weaknesses and insecurities, yet I knownothingabout him. I don’t even know what his real name is. And the fact that he’s still calling meRebel, like there’s some kind of intimate bond between us, grates me even more.
I turn my head, choosing to focus on a dirty spot on the wall instead of him. He grips my face, moistening my skin with his lower lip as it moves across my cheek to my ear.
“You can fake it all you want, try to pretend like you’re not affected by me. You can shut your eyes and grit your teeth and act as if you don’t want me as bad as I want you.” His tongue lightly traces over my ear lobe before he nips it with his teeth. “But trust me when I say that before this night is’ll be begging for my cock.”
His arrogance only makes me want to dig my heels in deeper. Something about the way he said it angers me to the depths of my soul. He has me chained to this bed, putting me through the worst humiliation I’ve endured in my life. He’s talking to me in a way no man has ever spoken to me before, and he has the audacity to tell me I’ll be begging him later.
When he lifts his head, I meet his eyes with a flare of indifference. “I’ll never give you the satisfaction. Irefuse.”
My defiance excites him more. “You refuse?” He smirks, an actual smirk, and it makes me angrier to know that it took this kind of encounter to get anything close to a smile out of him. “Strong will. Let’s see how long it lasts.”
He reaches above my head to the small bedside table. I hear a gentle tinkle of ice tapping against the glass before he rubs a cold cube over my lips. Droplets of whiskey drip into my mouth. It’s not enough to intoxicate me, yet that’s exactly how I feel when he drags the cube over my chin and down to my neck.
He shifts off me and onto his side. Those gray spheres are intense and fixated on every movement of his hand as he slides the ice cube around my locket and down to my chest. Even as goosebumps break out all over my body, I keep still and unmoving. I don’t even allow him to see the change in my breathing. My hands clench into tight fists when he rubs slow circles around my nipples. Water trickles over my breast and down my ribs. It’s so cold, almost painful.
His hand slides across my chest to play the same erotic game with my other nipple. Each movement is slow and deliberate, like he wants me to feel the effect of every second. When my nipple goes numb from the cold and the ice has melted, he grabs another cube and continues his descent.
I wince when the chill reaches my navel. My body seems to be overcompensating because a slow burn ignites beneath my skin, spreading to my fingers and toes. My heart races, and I canfeel the rapid beats all the way up to my throat. His hand moves lower, and the shock when it hits my core is enough to make me jerk. I yank against the chains, the metal clanking loudly.
That reaction earns me another smirk, but he says nothing as he rubs the ice over my clit. He shifts onto his knees again, positioning himself between my legs. His jeans and boxers are still halfway down his thighs. My greedy eyes eat him up, roaming over his muscled torso down to the V at his hips, but they stop when they reach his cock. He’s so big, much bigger than Jason, thicker too, and I start to wonder what it would feel like to—
“If you want it,” he says, wrapping his hand around his girth, “all you have to do is ask.”
He pumps it a few times, and I have no idea why that excites me so much. I shut my eyes because I’m afraid he might see every dirty thought running through my head, thoughts I shouldn’t be having about an ex-convict.
“I’ll take that as anot yet,” he quips. “Guess I’ll just have to keep myself entertained until you’re ready. Maybe I can persuade you.” His hand moves lower at the same unhurried pace, languidly rubbing my entrance from top to bottom. “You’re persuadable, right?”