Page 88 of Captured Heart

“Doesn’t matter,” he replies with a dismissive shrug. “The law doesn’t care about intentions. It cares about actions. And Kazlauskas’ actions have consequences.”

I bite back the urge to defend Alex further, knowing it would only raise more suspicion. My first tactic failed, so I move to the next question. “Have you spoken to him about...turning on Victor?”

“We’ve tried. Trust me, we’ve tried. Kazlauskas is sealed tighter than Fort Knox. Hell, the Pentagon’s probably jealous. We tried five years ago, back when we first picked him up. We’re trying now. Same result. He won’t give us a damn thing.”

“I think I can get him to change his mind.”

His skeptism shows plainly on his face. “We’ve sent our best negotiators in. No one can crack him. What makes you think you can?”

“Because he helped me escape. He risked everything for me, and I know he cares—” I stop myself, not wanting to reveal too much about our relationship. “I think he has a soft spot for me, or he wouldn’t have done what he did. I’m sure I can convince him.”

He lets out an irritable breath. “And why are you just now telling me this? Why not come forward earlier?”

“Because he told me not to. He wanted me to act like we didn’t work together to keep us both safe. Double-crossing Victor is a death sentence, and if he thinks Alex and I collaborated, it’ll put both of us in danger.”

He nods. “So, what exactly are you proposing?”

“I want to see him. I need to talk to him in person, but only under a few conditions.”

His eyebrows shoot up like he can’t believe my audacity. “Conditions?”

“Yes.” I hold his gaze, refusing to waver. “If I convince Alex to testify, you let him walk free. No charges. No prison time. And he gets protection. Whatever it takes to keep him safe.”

“We were only going to offer him a reduced sentence. Maybe a couple of years. What you’re asking for is—”

“Non-negotiable,” I cut in, keeping my tone firm and uncompromising. “If you want him to talk, this is the only way. Victor is dangerous. You know that. I know that. And Alex is putting his life on the line by testifying. He deserves more than just a reduced sentence.”

He studies me for a long moment, his jaw working as he weighs his options. “You’re asking for a lot, Miss Akiyama.”

“I’m offering you the key to locking Victor away for good,” I counter. “You said it yourself. Without Alex, your case falls apart, and Victor walks. Can you live with that?”

His lips press into a thin line, but eventually, he lets out a heavy sigh. “I can’t guarantee anything, but I’ll talk to the DA. They’re desperate to get Victor locked away. If Alex is willing to testify, I’m sure they’ll consider granting him full immunity.”

“He’ll testify. I’ll make sure of it.”

“Alright.” He’s still skeptical, but already starts pulling out paperwork. “I’ll arrange for you to see him, but you can’t goin as yourself. If Victor finds out you were involved, it’ll blow everything up. I’ll set you up under the name of the investigator working on the prosecution team. You’ll have one hour in a secluded room with no cameras or witnesses.”

“Thank you.” I nod, swallowing hard as the gravity of the situation settles on my shoulders.

He must sense my trepidation because he leans back in his chair, looking concerned. “You understand this could be dangerous for you, right? Victor’s reach doesn’t stop just because he’s behind bars. If word gets out that you’re involved, he could—”

“I know the risks.”

“Yeah, but if you’re going to do this, I have to make sure you’re protected. I’ll arrange twenty-four-hour security for you and your family until the trial is over. No one will get close to you.”

“I don’t think that’s neces—”

“It is.”

This is getting scarier by the second, but I won’t lose my nerve. “Okay. I appreciate that.”

His eyes search mine, as if trying to gauge whether I truly understand what I’m undertaking and all the ramifications that come with it. “This isn’t just about getting Alex to flip. It’s about making sure you and your family stay alive long enough to see Victor go down. Don’t take this lightly.”

“I don’t,” I assure him. “But I’m not going to sit back and do nothing. Alex helped me when he didn’t have to. Now it’s my turn to help him.”

“Okay.” He nods. “I’ll get it set up. But, Katelyn, be careful. You’re walking into a lion’s den.”

“I know.”