“I love every appointment we have with Dr. Cheng because we get to see him on the ultrasound.”
“I love that, too.”
“The crying took a bit of getting used to because that’s not how you operate, but...I’ve grown to love that, too.”
“Not so much for me. I hate crying.”
He grins, though he looks nervous. “And, uh, and then there’s also...you...as a whole...being...person. I kinda...I kinda love that, too.”
Is it weird that I love how awkward it was for him to say that? My smile stretches so wide my cheeks begin to hurt. “You do?”
“I do.”
“Awww. I kinda love you as a whole being person, too.”
“Shut up.” He chuckles. “Why do you always have to give me so much shit?”
“Listen, Lestat, I don’t give you half as much shit as I give me. Despite my repulsion and the red flags and the warning bells, you still got me here fawning all over you. I’ve internally admonished myself a million times already.”
“What did you say to yourself?”
“I said: Self...”
“That’s a great name for internal admonishment.”
“...don’t fall for this guy. I know he seems like a good whole being person...” I giggle when he lets out an annoyed humph. “...but it could be a façade. Cheetahs – but it was more like cheaters – never change their spots.”
Sarcasm keeps his tone dry. “That is atrociously cliché. I hope Self told you to come up with something more original.”
“Players gonna play, you know. And hustlers from Hustler’s University are inevitably gonna hustle.”
“Profound advice. I’m still waiting for Self’s rebuttal.”
“Self said: ‘What the fuck are you talking about? You’re already neck-deep in love with this guy.’”
He nods. “Is that right?”
“Yep. Self is unfortunately a sucker for a charming smile and eyes stolen from the Jade Palace. So, then we had to have ice cream together to make ourselves feel better about our poor life choices.”
“Well, I did tell you that I’d be the best mistake you ever make.”
I smile, running my hand through his hair again. “You are...and I’d make it a million times over.”