“Come here,” I say.
She walks over to me, and I grip her legs and pull her onto my lap to straddle me.
“Why don’t we have an agreement so you can stop overthinking this? If I ever feel like this is going on for too long or...you’re cramping my style, I’ll tell you.”
“What if when that happens, you feel too bad to tell me, or what if you feel obligated—”
“Lia, I barely know you. I don’t owe you a goddamn thing, not even sugarcoating or euphemism. The very first thing you learned about me is that I’m a straightforward guy. If I want you to leave, I’ll tell you to pack your shit and leave. So, can we agree that you’ll trust me enough to be frank with you, and I’ll trust you enough to respect my house and my things even when I’m not around, and then we can put this to bed?”
She’s quiet for a while, considering everything I’ve said, and then finally nods. “I agree to those terms.”
“Me too.” I grin, tossing her over as my hand slowly glides up her smooth thigh. “Now, let’s put it to bed.”
My mouth closes over hers, and she draws me in instantly. Pulling me closer, she threads her fingers through my hair. Those long legs wrap around me, and she moans when my eager cock presses against her denim shorts at just the right spot. There’s something so intoxicating about her kiss. It destabilizes me, disarms me. The plumpness of her mouth is the reason why threesomes no longer hold any appeal for me. I deepen the kiss, but this lust-fest comes to a screeching halt when my bedroom door swings open.
“Yo, Pete, wake up.”
My head springs up to see Dylan strolling in. Seeing him is the equivalent of a bucket of ice water being dumped on my flaming hot skin. “Fuck, Dyl!”
I let out a frustrated groan when I see Scott walk in behind him. I do a quick check to make sure Lia is still decent before my attention turns back to my friend, my eyes narrowing to a death stare. He’s unperturbed by the barrage of threats I’m silently flinging his way.
Instead, he glances between me and Scott, amusement dancing in his brown eyes. “Shit, Pete. I don’t know if you know this, but...but there’s a girl trapped beneath you.”
I grit my teeth. “I’m fully aware, thanks.”
“Hi, I’m Dylan.” He casually reaches out to shake her hand. Leave it to him to do something like that, even as the awkward tension builds in the room.
“Lia,” she responds, sounding a little uncertain. And, of course, she’d feel that way. She doesn’t understand the inner workings of this dumb-ass and how he thrives on moments just like this one. “Mahalia, but you can call me...Lia.”
“Nice to meet you, Lia,” Dylan says with cheerful exuberance. “Sorry to barge in on you like this, but we didn’t expect Peter to have a woman in here because he never invites girls over.” He smirks when he glances back at Scott. “Isn’t that right, Scott? He’sneverbrought a girl home before.”
“Never,” Scott agrees, desperately trying to keep a straight face.
“Wow, that must mean you really like her, huh, Pete?”
“Fuck, Dyl.” I drop my head against Lia’s shoulder, trying to compose myself. I’m going to kill him. I’m going to fucking kill him. And he still has the nerve to grin at me when I look up at him again. “We’re friends, but this is inappropriate.”
“Is it?” He gasps, feigning shock. “How inappropriate would you say? Like, if you had to rate it on a scale, would you put it on the lower end? Like that time Scott sent me that super-cringe voice note in the middle of the night...”
Scott rolls his eyes. “Leave me out of this, please.”
“Or would you put it more on the higher end, like that time when you groped your dick in front of my fiancé...duringmy proposal?”
Scott snorts out a laugh, but I just shake my head because I should’ve expected this from him. I ruined his corny proposal, and it looks like he’s going to remind me about itforever. He just can’t let go of the past.
“The things you’ll do to prove a point,” I huff.
Lia apparently finds this hilarious because her awkwardness disappears and is replaced with a giggle. “Did you do that?”
“I didn’t know he was proposing,” I reply before my eyes lock on Dylan. “Consider this me giving you an official notice. I’m kicking you out. You have one week to pack up your shit and get the fuck out of here.”
Once again, he doesn’t care about the threat because he’s moving out after the wedding, anyway.
“You’re talking out of anger again, honey. We’ll find a way to work this out.” The bastard winks at me. “Well, I think we’ve done enough damage. We’ll meet you downstairs, Pete. Lia, it was lovely meeting you.”
They leave the room, snickering like morons, and with a frustrated groan, I slowly stand up.
“Are you leaving?” she asks, sounding slightly apprehensive.