Page 22 of Who's Your Daddy?

The hulking bouncer unclips the thick red rope so she can enter. “Well, if it isn’t our favorite model, strolling back into town,” he greets with a wide smile. “Welcome back.”

The comment makes her uncomfortable, and she gives him an awkward smile. “Thank you. It’s nice to see you again. It’s Lenny, right?”

“Yes, ma’am.”

I reach her just as she reaches the velvet curtains shielding us from the depravities occurring in the VIP section. “We meet again.”

She’s startled to see me, her eyes wide, her lips parting. She wants to say something but seems to be struggling to put words into sentences. “Uh...hi!” She takes a moment to swallow her shock. “What a...surprise...Peter. I wasn’t expecting to see you today...or...ever again.”

“Well, stealthily creeping out of someone’s house in the middle of the night is only ever done under the assumption that you’d never see said person again.”

She cringes but gracefully covers it up with a smile. “Oh, you noticed that, huh?”

“I went to bed with a beautiful woman and woke up alone. It was kinda hard not to notice.” That makes her more awkward, and I change the subject because I’m just teasing. I’m not trying to be a dick. “So, you’re a model, huh?”

“” Her eyes widen, and she vigorously shakes her head. “No, I’m not a model.”

“Are you shy to admit that? I just heard the bouncer say you’re a model.”

“You misheard.”

I move past her to get the bouncer’s attention, but she catches my wrist before I tap him on the shoulder.

“Okay, fine.” Forcing a smile, her petite jaw remains tight as she replies. “He did say I’m a model, but I...I’m currently between jobs. Gigs are hard to come by at the moment, so I don’t have anything lined up.” She casts a glance toward the VIP section. “Well, it was great to see you again, Peter, but I’d better—”

“Leaving so soon, dollface. What’s the rush?”

“ rush. Just, you know, places to go. People to see.”

It’s the way she says it that prompts my next question. “Who are you here to see?”

Her eyes widen like she gave too much away. “It’s just an expression.”

I noticed this on Wednesday, but I thought I was just reading too much into her odd behavior. Now I see that this is a habit of hers. She purposely doesn’t divulge too much personal information. Not everything, just certain things. And it’s odd that something as basic as this is one of those things.

I can tell that she’s not being forthcoming because she’s scanning the crowd as if she’s worried someone might catch us together. She’s definitely looking out for someone.

“Any particular reason why you’re so jumpy?”

“I’m not jumpy.”

“Who are you looking for?”

She shakes her head, pretending to be nonchalant. “I told one.”

“Uh-huh.” I cross my arms over my chest. “You know, I’m just gonna keep asking questions until you tell me the truth.”

A frustrated humph leaves her mouth, and she finally drops the façade. “Look...don’t judge me...but I’m here as a last-ditch effort get my ex back.”

“Hmm...” I nod, my gaze skimming down her slender body, then back up again. “That dress makes a lot more sense now. It would definitely work on me. Quick question, though. Is this the same ex that made you feel stupid and worthless...and was just using you for sex?”

“Oh, wow. You were actually paying attention that night. I thought you were just staring at my boobs.”

“I was. You have the most incredible tits. It’s hardnotto stare. But my eyes and ears work independently, and I distinctly heard you telling me that your ex was a jerk.”

“I didn’t say that. You did.”

“Because it’s true. Is he the same guy you’re here to see tonight?”