“That didn’t happen at all. Like, not even once.”
“But now that I’m back, we can catch up on all of them. Let’s start tonight. Let’s start right now.”
“I can’t think of a single thing I would want to do less.”
“Oh?” She plays dumb, trying very hard not to smile. “What else could you possibly have in mind that would be better than watching dance movies?”
My cock is already stiffening again, and I slide my hand down between our bodies to guide it inside her.
Her eyes widen at the unexpected entry. “Oh, that?”
“Yeah, that.”
She gasps when I surge forward, burying myself to the hilt. “I guess that’s a close second.”
“I’m glad you approve. Now, shut up and kiss me.”
30. Lia
Isnap a picture ofIsabella running down the beach after Neymar. It’s his second birthday today, and Peter suggested they have the party here at his beach house. I haven’t had too much time to relax because I’m technically working today. I’ve been working every weekend for the last two and a half months. Tori’s aunt loved the pictures I took for her mother’s birthday party, so she recommended me to a friend. Her friend then recommended me to his cousin. That cousin recommended me to his aunt, and before I knew it I was being double booked for weddings and anniversaries, even a bar mitzvah.
It's been insane trying to balance this second job on the weekend while having a full-time job during the week. Gerald has been great, though. He lets me use his camera whenever I need it and allows me to take Tuesdays off so I can spend quality time with Peter and Ambrose.
Catalina sells a lot of her art online, so she helped me set up a website. That boosted queries significantly, and I’m now booked pretty much every weekend for the next nine weeks. If demand stays stable at this level, I should be able to give up working and pursue this as a career. It’s exciting and daunting at the same time.
Even though I know Peter has my back and would support me with whatever I need, this is something I want to do on my own. I want to gain my own financial freedom and independence. And I want to do it on my own. I’m paying for my own photography courses. I’m saving up for my own car. These are personal goals that I want to achieve without any help.
I snap a picture of Dylan side-eyeing Tommy, who’s shamelessly flirting with Dylan’s sister. Said sister seems to be flirting back, and I make sure I capture the way they’re staring at each other.
I get one of Cat blindfolded, taking a wild swing at a piñata, but her aim is so off, she ends up hitting Scott in the arm. They both double over laughing when she lifts her blindfold to see what she hit. I zoom the camera in to get the most adorable shot of Ambrose feeding Peter a marshmallow. Watching them together makes my heart feel so full. For so long, I yearned for a family and that sense of belonging. The two of them have filled a void in me, healed wounds I thought I’d be scarred with forever.
I take a break and walk across the wooden deck to sit down next to Peter. It doesn’t take long for Ambrose to shove a fluffy pink marshmallow in my face, too.
The rest of the gang are scattered across the deck, sitting and chatting as they bask in the afternoon sun. It’s a perfect day. After having four months basically stolen from me, I appreciate every moment. Being imprisoned wasn’t a traumatic experience for me. Some women had it far worse than I did. I got into a few violent scuffles, but it didn’t happen often. So, overall, it was bearable. But I resent what it took from me. Mistakes were made and hard lessons were learned. I chose the wrong man and paid a bitter price for it.
But the opposite is also true. The right man has brought out the very best in me. He’s a pillar, a rock, and staying true to his words, the best mistake I’ve ever made.