Page 46 of Who's Your Daddy?

He holds out my hand, silently asking for a dance. It’s a little weird because I don’t really know him, but the partner-swapping is an ongoing thing, and I rather it be him than someone I don’t know at all. I place my hand on his shoulder, and he leads me into step.

“So, Peter tells me that your dad owns the Bayview Country Club,” he says.

I freeze. That came out of left field, and I have no idea how to respond.

“My dad knows Robert very well,” he continues, “and I gotta be honest, he’s never mentioned you. I didn’t even know he had a daughter.”

I don’t want to lie, but I can’t tell him the truth, especially because I haven’t even admitted the truth to Peter yet. “I’m more of a scandal than alegitimatechild. I’m the mistake he tries to deny ever happened, so yeah...he doesn’t talk about me much.”

His eyes narrow, analyzing me. “Something’s amiss with you. I feel like you’re hiding something.”

My body stiffens, and my blood runs cold. I feel so exposed, like he can see all my secrets in my eyes. I swallow hard and put on a brave face. “Am I supposed to walk around with my whole life story on display for all the world to see?”

He smiles despite the wariness etched on his forehead. “All I’m saying is that Pete’s really into you. He doesn’t take kindly to lies and manipulation, so...tread carefully.”

That was too much information for me to process in one go. Peter’s been nothing but nice to me. He opened up his home to me, but Scott has just reminded me that his hospitality was based solely on a lie. However, what’s sending my brain into free fall is the nonchalant statement that he’s into me.

Peter’s notintome.

In the history of the universe, there has never been a man that has tried to avoid commitment as much as Peter. There are no misconceptions that the arrangement between the two of us is casual and temporary. Scott is obviously mistaken on that front, but I’m going to heed his warning. I can’t keep doing this to Peter. It’s not fair to him.

Speak of the devil. Peter appears out of nowhere and catches my wrist. “Can I have my date back?”

Scott nods. “Sure, Pete.”

I only manage to keep it together for a few minutes. I dance with Peter for one song, then excuse myself to go to the restroom. My anxiety-induced nausea is back. I race out of the venue and down the long corridor. Shoving the door open, I rush into a stall, and the door isn’t even fully closed behind me before I hurl my dinner into the toilet bowl. My stomach contracts and empties out all its contents.

That was sudden and violent, and I take a few breaths to steady myself before leaving the stall. After rinsing my mouth several times, I pop a breath mint and try to clean off the smudged mascara around my eyes. When I finally look decent enough to leave, I find Peter outside waiting for me.

“Are you okay?” he asks. “You were in there for a while.”

“Yeah. I told you I was feeling a little queasy, but I’m fine now.”

“Do you want to leave?”

“Um...” I do want to leave, but this is his friend’s wedding. I can’t be selfish and stop him from celebrating this special day. “No, I’m good.”

We start the long walk back to the party, and I remain quiet as I contemplate my next move.

Should I tell him the whole truth?

Should I make up some excuse and leave without telling him any of the sordid details?

Should I be the biggest coward and just wait for him to go to the gym tomorrow and disappear with no explanation while he’s gone?

“Are you sure you’re okay?” he asks. “You’re acting kinda weird.”

Am I?I need to check myself. “I’m fine.”

He stops walking and grabs my wrist to stop me, too. “What did Scott say to you?”


He’s not buying it. “You were fine before you danced with him, and now you’re not. What did he say to you?”

“He’s just looking out for you, Peter.” I’m about to blurt out everything when common sense hits me. I can’t tell him this at his best friend’s wedding. It’s not the right time. “ matter what happens...just know that I appreciate everything you’ve done for me. I’m not trying to manipulate you...or use you in any way, so—”

“Is that what he fucking said to you?”