“No, I’m not okay.” His cool demeanor disappears instantly. “Do you understand that I’ve been watching youallday? When you got the glasses from the top cupboard, andthislifted up...” He grabs the front of the T-shirt like it’s some kind of traitor. “...I got the most tempting view of...Shit!” He shuts his eyes, his hands clenching as if he’s battling something internally. “And I had to restrain myself and not act on it because we’ve got some weird dynamic going on here, and—”
“What do you mean?” I cut in.
“I mean...you’re in a vulnerable situation, Lia. Emotionally. Financially. And I don’t want to take advantage of that. I brought you here. I offered to help you, but I don’t want you to feel like...you owe me anything. I haven’t even tried to kiss you because I don’t want you to think that I’m expectinganythingfrom you. I’m not.”
Wow. There might actually be a decent guy in there somewhere.
“So, I’ve been white-knuckling it through this day. I’m edgy. I’m irritable. I’mnotokay.” He points down to the bulge in his sweatpants. “I don’t know how you didn’t notice this. I’ve been in this state of perpetual horniness all afternoon, doing absolutely everything I can to distract myself. You think I give a shit about Leonardo DiCaprio’s dating life? No! All I’ve wanted to do all day was get you naked. The only thought going through my head is how badly I want to fuck you right now.”
False alarm. Decency remains undetected.
It finally clicks. He did the same thing last night. He waited for me to make the first move. It’s weird, but knowing his reasons makes me like him just a tiny bit more. I don’t understand what he does to me because once again, I find myself in the same predicament I continuously find myself in when it comes to him. Alarm bells go off. Gut feelings go into hyperdrive. My head tells me to not indulge this man, but I ignore all the warning signs and dive in head first.
“So, do it,” I say.
“Whatever you want.”
It takes a second for the words to sink in, but as soon as his brain registers the green light, he grabs the back of my neck and yanks me toward him. If a wild animal was caged and left to starve for weeks and was then suddenly released to maul its unsuspecting prey, I imagine it would feel like this. He’s so much bigger than me that I feel helpless and overwhelmed. But I give in and allow this ravenous predator to devour me.
His kiss is hard and hungry. The way his teeth scrape across my lower lip tells me how much he’s been yearning for the taste of me. The way his tongue explores the depths of my mouth shows me how badly he wants me.
I respond with the same desperate fervor his kiss always extracts from me. With voracity in every step, he surges forward, sandwiching me between the wall and the crushing weight of his chest. His breaths are labored, fanning my flushed skin.
“Spend one more night with me,” he whispers hoarsely.
Even though that sounds more like an order than a request, I still attempt to answer. My mounting need makes me incapable of finding my voice in my own throat, so I nod, and he takes possession of my mouth.
A rough hand skims up my thigh, creeping under the T-shirt, so eager to slip inside me. The moment it does, I find my voice again. A loud moan bursts out of me, but it’s stifled by his unrelenting kiss.
The hard ridge of his cock presses against my abdomen. This is something I’m still getting accustomed to because prior experience has taught me that erections come from hard work and dedication to the task and not simply traipsing around the kitchen in a T-shirt.
It’s such a turn-on knowing that I can get him to this state without even touching him. It feels like sorcery, witchcraft, and I want to see just how much power I can wield over him. I push him back a step and drop to my knees in front of him.
He stops breathing. His eyes fix on me, filled with lust and anticipation as I slowly drag down his sweatpants. His cock springs free, and I take a moment to appreciate it. His head drops back when I wrap my fingers around it. I lick him slowly, my tongue running up from the base before closing over the thick tip. A ragged breath hisses out of him, and his fist slams against the wall.
“Ahhh...you’re killing me, Li.”
Oh, I like this superpower.
Bracing one hand against the wall, he weaves the other into my hair to hold me in place. His hips begin to rock, pushing his cock deeper into my mouth. My tongue works its magic, and his body grows more tense. He pumps faster, muscles flexing on his abs and quads. I tilt my head up, keeping my eyes on his so he can see how much pleasure I take in having this power. It only makes him lose control.
He hoists me up, stripping off the T-shirt before he bends me over. Hand on my back, he shoves my upper body down onto the entryway table. The wood rapidly cools my overheated skin, and my nipples begin to tingle. He opens the drawer, takes out a condom, and rips it open with his teeth. Having condoms right here so he can grab a few as he leaves the house is just another red flag that I ignore.
A big hand grasps my inner thigh, forcing my legs further apart before sliding up to my core. He rubs me up and down a few times, readying me, lubricating me with my own moisture before he rams his cock inside me.
The movement is sudden, so powerful it sends shockwaves through my entire being. Nails bite into my flesh as he grips my hips to keep me exactly where he wants me. His thrusts are rapid and furious. The table squeaks as it grinds against the hardwood floors. I’m so hot, trapped in a bubble of ecstasy, waiting eagerly for it to pop and spill over. I feel myself getting closer, but right before I orgasm, he abruptly stops.
His hand fists in my hair, and he tugs my head back so I can look at the mirror. Long fingers curl around my throat, and he leans closer.
“Look at yourself,” he rasps. “Do you see what I see, Lia?”
I see a wanton slut getting fucked from behind by a guy she hasn’t even known for a week, but I don’t share this viewpoint.
“See that fire in your eyes? It’s burning for me. One day, you’re gonna meet the nice guy you’ve been looking for, and you’re gonna fall in love and get married.” A hint of acid laces his tone, and I can’t help but wonder if he’s jealous of a man I haven’t even met yet. “You’ll tell him all your secrets. You’ll tell him about your asshole ex and the other guys you’ve dated, but you won’t tell him about me. I’ll be that dirty secret you hide from him forever.” He nips my earlobe and a sinister smile curves on his lips. “Because you won’t want him to know thatthisis what I did to you.” His hips slam against my ass, hitting a spot so deep I cry out. “You won’t want him to know that I’m the only man who ever made you feel like this. He’s never gonna see that fire in your eyes...because it burns only for me.”
Something about that scares me. What if it’s true? What if no one ever makes me feel this way again? I told him earlier that every second I spend with him ruins my chances of finding a nice guy. But he’s not ruining my chances. He’s ruiningme...for every other man that comes after him. Whether I like it or not, I’m never going to be the same after this encounter with Peter Danahay.