He slowly pushes my hand down, and I watch as he drags my fingers over the hard bumps of his abs. “A guy like me is definitely going to exploit those vulnerabilities.”
The bulge in his pants seems to be getting bigger. My eyes stay focused on it for a second too long before springing back up to meet his. “Exactly!”Oh, God. How good would he feel inside me? Snap out of it, woman! Just walk away.“And while I would ordinarily be able to stave off the advances of the average fuckboy, my self-esteem is at an all-time low today. I am in no way equipped to handle a manwhore of your caliber. I’m in the minor league. I can’t go up against a major league player.”
“I have no idea what you’re trying to say.”
“I’m saying that I’m blurring the lines here. All these urges I’m feeling aren’treallust because that comes from an emotional connection, which we don’t have. And yeah, I find you attractive, but I don’twantto. That’s just poor judgment from my side. Maybe...maybe I enjoyed your company today because a part of me is just seeking validation. And the problem is, the way you’re looking at me isso...validating. You look at me like...like...”
“Like you’re the hottest woman I’ve ever seen?” he fills in. “Yeah, that’s pretty accurate.”
“Shut up! Just shut your stupid, perfect mouth. I don’t wanna hear any form of praise from you. What you’re telling me is the opposite of what I need right now.”
His strong arms slip around my waist to pull me closer. “You’re flushed. Your breaths are heavy. And you keep looking down at my dick. If I’m reading your body language correctly, I think I can give youexactlywhat you need right now.”
I try not to be tempted by those words, shutting my eyes to the sight of his face and his chest and his—
My thoughts come to a screeching halt when I feel his mouth on mine. My willpower has obviously reached the end of its lifespan because I don’t even hesitate. I kiss him with all the fire burning within me. It takes about thirty seconds before I come to my senses and push him away.
“What are you doing? I have to go.”
His jaw clenches, and he releases a slow breath. “Okay. I’ll take you home.”
I head toward the door, but I am so flustered, so high on lust that my body is point-blank refusing to accept that this is how the night is going to end. After five steps, I reverse course, spin around, and slam my lips on his. Although surprised, he dives right in and kisses me again.
This time it lasts longer, but the second his hands move up to unbutton my shirt, I shove him away again. “I can’t,” I say, exhaling as if I’ve just run a marathon. “I can’t have a one-night stand. I just met you. I don’t even know your last name.”
He grits his teeth and forces a smile. “Don’t get me wrong. This internal conflict that you’re playing outexternallyis really cute, super adorable...but I’m fucking hard as granite right now, and I need you to make a decision.”
I weigh up all the pros and cons, and even though I may regret not having incredible sex with this amazing specimen of a man, I’ll probably regret it more if I go through with it. I subdue my raging hormones and exhale a slow breath to release the tension in my body.
“I think...I think I should go.”
The disappointment shows on his face, but he nods. “Yeah.”
“I had a really good time tonight.”
He smiles and nods again. “Me too.”
I walk to the door, but as I open it, he comes up behind me and slams it shut. His chest presses against my back and the hard ridge of his cock rubs against my ass. A big hand slides around my waist, stretching across my abdomen before he slowly undoes the button of my denim shorts. I let him. No, I encourage him by grinding my ass against his pelvis. My breath catches when his fingers slip beneath the waistband and into my panties.
He groans when he reaches my entrance and feels how wet I am. My head falls back against his chest when his fingers slide inside me.
“What if...” His voice is strained with desire. Fevered breaths tickle my ear, heating my skin as they cascade down my neck and over my shoulders. “What if I fuck you again tomorrow? Then it wouldn’t be just one night.”
Logic has left the chat.
I stop resisting. I stop overthinking, turn around, and launch myself into the abyss of poor life choices. Cupping my head in his hand, I feel the ravenous lust raging through him when his mouth covers mine. He lifts me up, and I wrap my legs around him as he carries me over to his king-size bed.
We collapse in the middle with a thud. His rough stubble scrapes my skin as his teeth sink into my neck. Despite his impatience, he doesn’t rush. His hands are attentive, leisurely moving from one erogenous zone to the next. His touch is all-encompassing, and I can’t keep track of which part of my body is sending pleasure waves to my brain.
He strips off my shirt and proves that he’s bralingual by undoing the clasp in the front with one hand. He stops then, shifting back onto his knees to look at me. With aching slowness, he brushes one cup aside and then the other, sucking in a breath as he slowly reveals my breasts. For a moment, he just stares at them. His eyes flick to mine, then drop back to my chest.
“Take off your shorts,” he says without making eye contact.
His penetrative stare makes me self-conscious, but I shirk away my nervousness, lift my hips off the bed, and shimmy out of my shorts.
“And your panties.”