Page 15 of Who's Your Daddy?

“I didn’t.” He lifts his head to look at me. “I just like hearing your laugh.”

His eyes collide with mine, those jade orbs stripping away all my defenses. He shifts closer, which is my cue to shift back, but I don’t move a muscle when he raises his hand to cup my face.

“I wasn’t lying, though,” he whispers. “I really wanna kiss you again. And the way you keep looking at me is making it almost impossible to control this urge. So, I’m gonna lean in...and leave it up to you to stop me.”

I’m not surprised by my body’s reaction to him because it’s already happened a few times today. He dips his head toward mine, moving closer millimeter by millimeter. My heart rate picks up when his warm breath tickles my lips. “I should stop you.”

“But you won’t.”

I don’t. His lips touch mine, and I can’t even muster a feeble protest. I still think he’s somehow wired my body to respond to him because the satisfied groan he lets out entices my lips to part beneath his. He accepts the invitation, but he’s neither hesitant nor overly eager when he slips his tongue into my mouth.

He kisses me slowly, leisurely, casting a spell over me. That spell turns my mouth into an insatiable void. I can’t seem to get enough of him, of the magic passing between our lips. His hand drops from my face, and he lightly traces his fingertips over my knee. His touch is electric, and I feel the current spread through my veins.

He grasps my thigh, and in one swift motion, he pulls me on top of him, straddling my legs over his hips. I gasp, the sturdiness of his frame catching me off-guard. I blame my lack of experience for being so unprepared. Teddy didn’t feel like this. Where he was a little flabby, a bit pudgy around his midriff, Peter is just solid muscle. The arms looped around me are strong. The hands now cupping my ass are firm. And the cock pulsing between my legs is so very hard. Again, I’m going to blame my inexperience because I thought I had to...workto get him to this state of arousal.

The grip on my ass tightens, and he rocks my hips against him. A moan staggers out of me when his mouth moves lower, closing over that sweet spot at the base of my neck. I don’t know how or when he did it, but the buttons on my shirt are undone. He takes a second to strip off his T-shirt, and the sight of him is just...spectacular. I barely get a chance to admire the beauty of every sculpted muscle before his hand slips beneath my bra to cup my breast. My moans grow louder as my body writhes against him.

My fingers slide into his silky black hair, pressing his mouth harder against my neck until he gives me what I’m silently begging for. He sucks hard before his teeth sink into my tender skin.

“Peter,” I moan, and it’s the ardency in my voice that makes me stop.

That didn’t sound anything like me...because this isn’tme. I don’t do things like this. What is wrong with me? I rip away from him, scrambling to get off the sofa bed as quickly as I can.

“We...we...” I’m panting, struggling to get the words out. “We need to stop.”

He stares at me wide-eyed, surprise and confusion playing with his expression. “Yeah. Okay. Sure.”

“I don’t know what came over me, but this can’t continue.”

He nods, still looking shell-shocked. “Okay.”

“This isn’t me. I mean...I’m not the type to do stuff like this. I don’t go home with random guys I just met.” The light breeze on my skin reminds me that my shirt is undone, and I quickly grip the front to cover myself. “I certainly don’tsleepwith random guys I just met. I’m not the kind of girl who would even consider having a one-night stand.”

His ravenous gaze sweeps over me from top to bottom, and he swallows hard, as if he’s trying to compose himself. “Maybe...” He sounds as breathless as me. “Maybe you can make an exception just this once. No one will ever know.”


“Yeah.” He throws his head back, groaning like he’s in physical pain. “You’re right.” He runs both hands down his face, then looks at me again. “But what if...what if we didn’t have sex? What just let me...strip you naked know...I could...” His hands curl into tight fists, and it looks like it’s taking every ounce of his self-control to keep them restrained. “And...uh...Sorry...Now I’m picturing you naked and...ah, fuck, I’m so horny right now I can’t even...Where was I? Oh, sex. Just...just be naked...and then my hands mouth...all over your body. I mean...that would work, wouldn’t it?”

My brain didn’t make a lick of sense of any of that, but my body understood every word. Images of him touching me race through my mind, igniting a spark of desire I’ve never felt before. An explosion detonates a moment later, the heat of it rippling over every inch of my skin. I want him so bad, but I shouldn’t fall into temptation. I’m in a weird space today, and I’m letting that cloud my judgment. I need to leave before I do something I regret. If Teddy changes his mind in a few days and wants to give us another try, I don’t want this night to taint our relationship.

“I should go,” I say, buttoning up my shirt as I walk back into his bedroom.

“Shit,” he curses, shuffling off the sofa bed to follow me inside. “Look, I’m sorry. That was a stupid thing to say. I shouldn’t have—”

“It’s not you.” I spin around to face him, colliding with the hard contours of his pecs, and I step back so I don’t throw myself at him. That bulge is still jutting out of his jeans, and it’s making me want the very thing I’m actively trying to avoid tonight. I force my eyes back up to look at him. “It’s me. See, the thing is, I’m sort of coming out of a...complicated relationship. It ended badly. Very,verybadly. He made me feel stupid and worthless...and he was basically just using me for sex.”

“I’m sorry. He sounds like a jerk. You deserve better.” He takes a step toward me, and I place my hand on his chest to stop him.

“Just stay right there, okay? Because every time you get near me, it seems like I lose my ability to formulate rational, coherent thoughts.”

He smirks, those green eyes dancing playfully. “Okay.”

“So, what I’m trying to say is...uh...” My eyes drop to his crotch again, and I keep imagining—No!“I’m in a vulnerable space right now...”

He places his hand over mine. “Uh-huh.”

“And that makes meverysusceptible to the charms of...of a guy like you.”