My hands move beneath my black shirt. She tries to smack them off her, but I grip her waist and toss her onto the bed beside me, pushing her legs apart to settle myself between them. She lifts her hips off the bed, trying to toss me off, but all that does is press her soft flesh against my very eager cock. A light murmur escapes her lips when she feels it, and she stops moving.

“Okay, now that we’re comfortable.” I smile at her, and her jaw tightens with annoyance. “Why don’t we play a game?”

“I don’t want to play a game. I want to go home, so get off me.”

“Let me tell you how it’s going to work. I’m going to start kissing your know that spot that makes you moan my name in the sexiest way...Yeah, I’m gonna start there.” My hand slides up her thigh, dragging my shirt up with it. She’s naked underneath and with her legs spread, she’s so vulnerable. She’s mine for the taking. Something about that excites me and my breath hitches. “And then I’m going start touching you...everywhere. And you know that I know where every pleasure point on your body is located. Then once you’re hot and ready and your pussy is dripping for me, I’m gonna slide my dick inside you and fuck you until you can’t stand.” Just the thought has my fingers pressing harder into her thigh. “Now, if at any point you want me to stop, all you have to do is tell me you don’t want me, and I’ll stop. Let’s see if sober you reacts differently to drunk you. Ready to play?”

“No,” she hisses. “Get. Off. Me!”

“Those aren’t the right words.”

I tilt her head for better access and my tongue sweeps up her neck, closing over that sensitive spot just below her jawbone.

“Scott...” It’s half moan, half protest. “Stop messing around. Just take me home.”

“Still not the right words, Cat.” I brace myself on my forearms to look down at her flushed face and my amused expression angers her even more. “I’ll take you home when we’re done. Then later tonight you can lay awake in bed, lamenting about all the mistakes you’ve made and how it took you onlyfourdays to make them.”

Both her hands fly at me, shoving at my chest as she calls me every name under the sun. I take all of it. I give her a few seconds to unleash her fury before I grab both her wrists. Using one hand, I pin them on the mattress above her head.

“Get the hell off me, Scott!” She’s seething, shaking with exasperation...and lust.

“Tell me you don’t want me, and I’ll get off you.”

She just stares at me with those beautiful, big brown eyes, reminding me of a time when she used to be mine. A part of me is so desperate to have her again and the other part is so angry that this is the only way I can have her at all. Just physical and nothing else.

I hold her gaze, my hand moving to the buttons of my shirt. Slowly, I undo them, one by one, spreading the material until those perky tits are exposed. Brownish-pink nipples are erect and just begging for my attention. I lightly trace my fingertips over her side, then up to her ribs, drawing small patterns on her flawless skin. Everything about her is so soft, mesmerizing. I lose myself for a moment, just savoring the exquisite beauty that is Catalina Diaz, the irreplaceable love of my life.

My hand moves up to cup her breast. Firm and supple, it fills my palm. As I tease her nipples, I feel more moisture glaze my dick and it intrigues me enough to investigate. My hand makes a detour, sliding down her stomach and between her legs. A gruff groan leaves my body when her wetness coats my fingers.

“All this for me?” I flash her a cocky grin. “You really shouldn’t have.”

Her eyes narrow into a death stare. “Let me go.”

“Say the magic words.”

“I don’t...”

“Almost there.”

She tries to tug her hands free, but I tighten my grip. She wriggles beneath me, trying to shift away from my probing fingers, but eventually one works its way inside her...and then another. Her back arches off the bed, pushing her breasts up toward my face. I can’t resist taking one pert nipple into my mouth, swirling my tongue around it until she moans my name. Watching her, feeling her – it’s driving me fucking wild.

“I don’t want...oh, Scott...” Her eyes drift closed as I massage her clit. “I don’t...I don’t want to hurt him.”

“That’s not the same thing.”

An elated gasp burst from her lips when I remove my fingers and rub my cock along her slick entrance. I grit my teeth, using every ounce of control I possess to restrain myself. “I’m giving you ten more seconds and then I’m taking what’s mine.”

“I’m not yours!” she spits out between ragged breaths. “Not anymore. And what you’re trying to prove is pointless. So, I like a quick roll in the sack with you. So what? All you proved is that I’m just like any other woman who can’t resist theamazingScott Carter. It doesn’t change anything. We’re over. You dumped me, remember?”

This was never supposed to be a fun game. She’s right. The douche in me was simply trying to prove a point, but things are beginning to turn sour, and I feel the change happening in both of us. Hostility levels rise. Bitterness starts to seep through the cracks. Raw acrimony hangs thick and heavy in the air.

“Holy shit! You have got to be kidding me. What choice did I have? You didn’t want this anymore.”

“I didn’t want this? Are you crazy? Of course, I wanted this.” Tears well up in her eyes, but she’s too enraged to let them fall. “I wantedyou. I wanted you with every part of my being.”

It didn’t escape me – not even for one-tenth of a second – that she just spoke in the past tense. “You have an odd way of showing it.”

“I begged...Ibeggedyou to come with me.”