“...but once you get over the feeling of losing all your freedom and taking on thisenormousresponsibility, you are going to be so fired up to have this kid.”

“You are literally the worst friend in the world, Dyl.”

“Some people would love to be in your position, Pete. Never forget how lucky you are to be blessed with such a gift.” Dylan’s been poking fun this whole time, but his tone becomes serious, and I’m guessing it’s because of his own issues when it comes to having kids. “I’m just pointing out that there are multiple reasons to celebrate today.”

“Yeah, you’re right, Dyl.” Peter releases a heavy sigh. “So let’s not be somber and focus on Scott’s special day. Congratulations, boy! I’m so happy that you and Cat managed to work it out.”

“Thanks,” I reply. “And don’t stress, alright? Dylan’s an ass sometimes, but you know we always have your back, and we’ll be there for whatever you need.”

“I know. So, listen, give me half an hour and I’ll come over. Dylan, bring your toolset. We’ve got some DIY building to do.”

“Cool. See you guys later.” I call my dad as soon as the call ends. “Hey, Dad.”

“Good morning, Scott.”

“Listen, you busy tomorrow?”

“It’s jam-packed tomorrow. I have a board meeting and then?”

“I’m getting married.”

“Well, would you look at that? My schedule just magically cleared up.”

His excitement makes him go off on a tangent. He offers to pay for the wedding and my suit. After my parents cut me off, I’ve never taken a single cent from them, but he’s so insistent that I eventually cave. He doesn’t seem at all surprised by my announcement, though, and when I question him about it, he simply says that he knew from the second I left to pick Cat up from the airport that we would find our way back to each other.

After I hang up, I walk back to the bedroom, stopping at the door when I see Cat on the phone.

“Yes...yes, I understand...Okay...Thank you for getting back to me, Gerald. I appreciate it...You, too. Thanks. Bye.” She hangs up and exhales a slow breath.

“Bad news?”

She turns to look at me. “So, they are going to blacklist me, which means I can’t do any work for any of the Golden Sands Hotels or any of their subsidiaries, but once word gets out, it will extend much further than that group, I’m sure. The good news is that Gerald convinced them to not sue me for breach of contract, but I have to reimburse all costs incurred. So, that’s the cost of my apartment in Dubai, the hotel costs while I was in London, which was a five-star hotel, and the costs of my flights. The cost of JP’s flights as well. That’s gonna eat up most of my savings...and then I’ll be broke.”

“Ah, shit, Cat. I’m sorry. So, after you pay all that, you’ll have nothing?”

She smiles, walks across the room, and loops her arms around my neck. “I’ll have you. That’s what matters, and we’ll find a way to make it work, Soldier.”

I grip her waist, lifting her until she wraps her legs around me. “It will be hard...but we’re going tibia just fine.”

She giggles, recognizing the first joke I ever made in front of her.

“At least you laughed this time. You were such a salty bitch before. You didn’t even smile for that.”

“I had good reason to be a salty bitch to you.” A reminiscent smile curves on her perfect lips. “What a journey we’ve been on, Scott Carter.”

“That was just a teaser. Now the real journey begins,” I say, before bringing her mouth down to mine.