“What’s up, Dyl?”
“Why are you calling so early?”
“So, I wanted to know if you guys are free today and tomorrow.”
“I’m unemployed,” Pete responds. “I’m always free.”
“I could spare a few hours. What do you need, Scott?”
“Well...I’m sorta getting married tomorrow, and I wanted you guys to be there.”
“What?” Dylan’s eyes widen. “To whom exactly?”
I roll my eyes. “Cat. Duh! Who else would I marry?”
“What? When did she get back?”
“She crept into my apartment at three this morning. We talked. She asked me to marry her. I said yes.”
“Well, I’m in,” Pete chirps. “But why are you asking for today and tomorrow?”
“Do you guys remember when Cat and I were planning our wedding the first time, and I had that thing I wanted to do?”
Dylan groans. “That’s hard manual labor, Scott.”
“Tough shit. Do you remember what Pete and I had to do for you?”
“We stole a fucking horse for you, Dylan.”
“It wasn’t a real horse, and we put it back right after,” he argues.
“That’s not the point. The point is we helped you and you owe me.”
“Fine. I’ll be there.”
“Me too.” Those two words make me realize that Peter has always been the one who was most supportive of all our relationships over the years. Even if he didn’t agree with our choices, he was always supportive, and I make a mental note to try to be the same type of friend to him.
I swallow my reservations and take the plunge. “Why don’t you bring Lia as your plus one?”
“Yeah. I think maybe I judged her too soon. It looks like she’s going to be in your life for at least the next few months, and?”
“Next few years,” Peter corrects. The breath he lets out seems to be weighed down by his anxiousness. “Uh...she’s pregnant.”
It’s dead quiet for a solid minute. I just told Pete that I may have misjudged her, but this almost confirms my assumptions. Isn’t this gold-digger 101? Trapping a rich man by getting pregnant? A million thoughts are racing through my head, but I don’t voice any of my concerns.
Dylan eventually breaks the silence. “Wow, Pete. That’s...that’s great. Congratulations. You must be so excited.”
“I’m not.”
“Maybe that’s just because you’re thinking about the point when you have to stop having sex...and the diaper changes...and the vomit...and staying up all night...”
“Just so you know. None of what you’re saying makes me feel any better.”