“You’ve been like a little sister to me, and I know there were times when you absolutely hated me. I know this because those times were always accompanied by a threat to inflict bodily harm on me. But all these years later and you haven’t stabbed me once, so I’m gonna take that as a good sign. I also want to take this time to remind you that we have a pact, and even though you’re getting married, we still have a date every year on the twenty-third of December to watchDie Hardtogether.”

She smiles and quickly swipes a tear off her cheek. “It’s the only Christmas movie worth watching.”

“It is,” I reply with a nod of approval. “Isabella, you’ve gained a husband who is fiercely loyal, extremely protective, and very,veryannoying.”

“Fuck off,” Dylan mouths to me when the crowd erupts with laughter again.

“But he loves you to the depths of his soul. And he doesn’t like to acknowledge this...but he always has. Be good to each other.” I face the crowd, raising my glass of champagne. “Ladies and gentlemen, to Mr. and Mrs. De Lorenzo.”

Applause and whistles fill the room. Isa gets up and pulls me into a hug. “I love you, Scott...like the brother I always knew I never wanted. Thank you for always being there for us.”

“You don’t have to thank me. Just take care of him and don’t ever take what you guys share for granted. Love like that only comes once.”

I kiss her cheek, then return to my table and sit down between Tommy and Peter.

“That was a great speech, Scotty.”

“It was very touching,” JP agrees.


I make an active effort to not look at them across the table, just in case I snap. His hand is hanging on the back of her chair and his fingers are caressing her bare shoulder. There’s only so much I can take, so I shift in my chair and watch as the happy couple cut the wedding cake and feed each other a slice.

After the cake-cutting, Dylan’s mother makes an announcement, calling all the single ladies to the center of the room. Cat and Lia stand up and walk to the middle of the dance floor. They are met by all the other single women at the wedding, all anxiously waiting for Isa to toss her bouquet. Lia seems way too eager, standing in front, holding a stance like she’s ready to tackle anyone who gets in the way of her and that bouquet.

“Not gonna lie, Pete, but your girl is displaying some major red flags for a stage-five clinger.”

“It’s, like, her life goal to get married, so I’m guessing that shit like that gets her very excited.”

Tommy and I exchange confused glances because Pete is actively avoiding any form of commitment, yet he just casually threw that comment out there when women like that usually have him running for the hills. Is she doing some pseudo-reverse psychology manipulation to get him used to the idea? What kind of voodoo magic has she worked on him?

“And that...and that doesn’t bother you, Pete?”

“Why would it? She doesn’t want to get married tome. I’m just the fuckboy she’s using until she finds someone who’s...husband material.”

Tommy lets out a solemn sigh. “You’ve let her cheapen you, Pete. You know I would’ve treated you so much better.”

“I know. And I still choose her. Don’t take it personally. I’m just a sucker for tits.”

I laugh and refocus my attention back on the commotion. Lia’s efforts are all in vain because the flowers land effortlessly in the hands of Aunt Maria. She does a little victory dance before all the women return to their respective tables.

“Now, can all the single men report to the dance floor?”

“That’s us, boys.” Tommy stands up first, then halts when he notices we’re still in our seats. “Aren’t you guys coming?”

“We just talked about this,” Peter says. “I have no intention of getting married...ever. The only person I’m making an exception for is Cat’s mom.”

“You always have to take it that one step too far,” she retorts with an unimpressed eye-roll.

Tommy turns to me. “What about you? You coming?”

“Nope. That ship has sailed for me, Tom.”

“Party poopers.” He looks over at JP. “C’mon. Maybe one of us might be the next one to get hitched.”

They walk to the dance floor and we all watch as Isa places her foot on the chair. An overzealousooohresounds through the venue as Dylan’s hand slowly sneaks beneath her dress.

“I missed it.” Lia pouts as she sits down beside Peter again. “And we practiced for this all week. I was ready.”