“I miss you a lot.” A careful glance is cast in my direction, and I pretend like I’m not listening and scroll through my phone instead. “Is that guy from the gallery still giving you a hard time?”
“He wants a bigger commission this time and I might be forced to give it to him. That gallery is my biggest source of income.”
“He’s such an asshole!”
JP scoffs, sounding disappointed. “I hate when you speak like that. You’re too pretty to be using such crude words.”
Cat ignores his admonishment as if she’s used to it. “Did you start with your new painting?”
“Not yet. I can’t focus. I need inspiration and I can’t seem to find it. I think I’m putting undue pressure on myself, but I’ll figure something out. What time is it there?”
“Just before twelve.”
“Ah, lunchtime. I hope you’re eating lunch. You always forget to eat.”
Her smile grows wider, like she appreciates the sentiment. “I only skip meals if I’m busy with a sculpture. I’m having lunch right now.”
“With your family? Let me say hi.”
“Uh...” Nervousness twitches on her face. “I’m not with my family. I’m having lunch...with Scott.”
“Who’s Scott?”
“He’s...he’s an old friend from high school. We’re just catching up.”
My hands ball into fists, and I take a deep breath to calm down. Her eyes meet mine and she can tell I’m pissed because she immediately looks away.
“Well, let me not keep you. You haven’t seen everyone in such a long time. Enjoy your lunch with your friend. We’ll chat later. Tell...Scott, is it? Tell him I said hi.”
“I will. Love you.”
Cat takes note of the hesitation and gives him a look. “Say it.”
“I...love you, too.”
She gives him a nod of satisfaction. “Bye, Bon-bon.”
She hangs up and refuses to look at me. She wants to avoid this topic, but I’m having none of that.
“Your fucking friend from high school?”
She releases a loaded breath, finally lifting her eyes to meet my livid scowl, and the person I barely recognize returns. “Look, Scott, you and I are over, and the fact that you’re best friends with my future brother-in-lawandmy stepdad means that you are going to be part of my life, whether I like it or not. But JP and I have a rule that we don’t talk about our past relationships, and I’m not breaking that rule just because you’ve...basically appropriated my family while I was gone.”
I take a second to let my rage settle. “So, what? You’re just going to pretend you and I never happened?Men-in-Blackme out of your life?”
“When didMen-in-Blackbecome a verb?”
“Today. Do you really not see the issue in this?”
“No, that’s exactly the point. I don’t wantthisto become an issue in my relationship.”
I rub a hard hand over my jaw, struggling to keep my voice low because I don’t want to cause a scene. “You’re still wearing my fucking ring. Cat, I’m gonna go out on a limb here and speak for all guys. No man, not a single one, would be okay with his girlfriend wearing the engagement ring that herex-fiancégave her. That would definitely be an issue, and the fact that he doesn’t know it’s an issue makes it an even bigger issue.”
She shuts her eyes, shaking her head like she just wants this problem to go away. “This doesn’t concern you, Scott. What happens between me and JP is none of your business. So, to him, the nameScottis just one of my friends from high school.”
“Yeah, of course,” I sneer. “We wouldn’t want him to know how many times I had you screaming that name.”